Dasaad Musin Concern Building in Jakarta Old Town Area, Reflecting an Example of Indonesian Native Success

A Historical Building of Indonesian Richest Businessman That Reflect the Prosperous Era of Old Batavia in The Past

There are many colonial historical buildings that are being preserved as cultural heritage in the vicinity of Jakarta Old Town area. Their presence provides beautiful scenery to be viewed and enjoyed among the tourists who visit the area. Among them, there is a big building that was owned by the most successful native Indonesian businessman in the early post-colonial era, and that building is called Dasaad Musin Concern Building.

A Brief History of the Iconic Dasaad Musin Concern Building That Once Strived Through Different Eras of Old Batavia and the Modern Jakarta

The Dasaad Musin Concern was said to be owned by Agoes Moesin Dasaad (August 25, 1905 – November 11, 1970), a businessman of Philippines and Indonesian descendants. He was born into a family of merchants. He has been active in the import industry since around 1930s. He has been close with Indonesian former president, Soekarno, and played a significant role by being a benefactor of Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta in preparing Indonesian independence. He was also a part of BPUPKI (The Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work of Independence). After the fall of Old Order, the success of his business starts to decline.

The Use of Dasaad Musin Concern Building in The Modern Jakarta Old Town That Adds the Beautiful View While Strolling on Walking Tour in Jakarta

The once majestic and luxurious building eventually has become an abandoned building that has no purpose and only serves as a decorative building to adorn the scenery of Jakarta Old Town. The Indonesian government in fact has been planning to buy the building and restore it as a cultural heritage of Jakarta. However, there is still no news about it since there is still no agreement about the price yet. But it is said that the building is open for the public to visit and look around, and sometimes can be used as a photoshoot set.

Explore More Historical Building Aside from The Dasaad Musin Concern in The Jakarta Old Town Area on Jakarta Old Batavia Tour

To see more remnants of historical buildings that reflect the situation of Jakarta in the past, come to Jakarta and join us on Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to explore Jakarta histories, cultures, and delicacies. See you around!

Explore Jakarta Old Town and Find the Traditional Way to Exchange News Through the Kota Post Office

Take a Glance of Look Through the Historical Post Office Within the Vicinity of Jakarta Old Town Area

The Jakarta Old Town area is widely known as a tourist attraction in Jakarta, either by local or foreign tourists. Inside the vicinity, there are many historical buildings with various functions. These buildings mainly were built in the colonial era. Even though in this modern time they serve different purposes, the architectural designs are preserved to reminisce the style of that era. One of these historical buildings is the Kota Post Office or locals call it “Kantor Pos Kota”.

The Brief History of Kantor Pos Kota That Adorns the Scenery of Jakarta Old Town as A Part of The Route on Walking Tour in Jakarta

The building was originally designed by Ir. R. Baumgartner in 1929. It was designed with a New Pragmatism style that was popular in the Netherlands and Dutch East Indies by the end of 1920s. The architectural style is adjusted to Indonesian climate by the double façade elements. This architectural style can also bee seen on other buildings near the Post Office.

Visiting the Post Office in to Find Out the Difference of Purpose Between the Old Batavia and Modern Jakarta

Since the post-colonial era, even until this modern era, the building still serves its purpose as a Post Office. Citizens can still send mail, packages, postcards, and even pay bills in this Post Office. Other than operating as a Post Office, the building currently also houses a contemporary gallery. You can find the building easily as it faces the Fatahillah Square across the Jakarta History Museum.

Find And Explore More Interesting Story About the Post Office and Old Batavia with Jakarta Walking Tour

To find out more things to see and do to learn about the history of Jakarta, or just to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the historical buildings in the city, come to Jakarta and join us on Jakarta Old Batavia Tour. We will guide you to find what piques your interest in visiting the city. Either to learn history, culture, or enjoy the city delicacies. See you around!

An Iconic Historical “Yellow House” That Adorns the Beauty of the Jakarta Old Town Area

A Striking Iconic Building That Catches the Eye Alongside the Road of Jakarta Old Town Area

As a part of the Jakarta Old Town Area, historical buildings are lined up at the side of Kali Besar area. They are the buildings where The Red Store is standing. At the corner, there is a big fancy building with an iconic colonial style, which is called the “Yellow House” or more popularly known as Yellow Lion House. It is not as popular as the The Red Store, but it sure holds a significance for Jakarta history.

A Brief History of the Yellow House as You Stroll Around Historical Buildings in Your Jakarta Old Town Walking Tour

The Yellow House is located southwest of Buffalo Building. It is called the Yellow Lion House since there was a pair of lion statues that were painted yellow color at the front door. It was originally a Dutch castle that was built around the 18th Century. In the colonial era, the building was once used as a bank, firm, and even as a residence. One of the officials that once reside there is a German noble, Friedrich von Wurmb, that would become one of the founders of National Library.

Take A Glance of the Yellow House in Modern Days as Tourist to Pass by the Jakarta Old Town Area for Tour in Jakarta

In the present day, the Yellow House has become a tourist attraction alongside the buildings next to it, including The Red Store. Even though it is not open to the public, people often take a glance at the iconic building structure and take photos while visiting the area. A look at the building will get you a picture of how prosperous the area in the past was.

Explore More Things to See in to Learn About Jakarta from Historical Buildings with Jakarta Walking Tour

If you want to see more beautiful historical buildings to reminisce about the history of Old Batavia, come to Jakarta and join Jakarta Old Batavia Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to explore the city’s history, culture, and delicacies. See you around!

A Glance of a Significant Historical Place, “Kali Besar”, to Visit Alongside Your Walking Tour in Jakarta

A Historical Place That Holds Importance Aside Museums to Visit Alongside the Jakarta Old Town

To learn about the history of Jakarta, you can visit museums, old buildings, or a square in the Jakarta Old Town area. Fatahillah Square and Jakarta History Museum for example. However, there is also one place that holds a big importance in Jakarta History, which is the iconic big canal or called Kali Besar.

A Brief History of Kali Besar, Once A Canal That Holds a Big Importance for the Old Batavia in the Past

The Kali Besar, or in Dutch was called de Groote Rivier, was once a stream of Ciliwung River that had been straightened around the year of 1631-1632. In the early days Batavia in the 17th Century, ships usually sailed along a canal to Kali Besar. But with the change of the land and structures and ships are getting bigger, only smaller ships can anchor alongside the canal. It became a place to drop goods from smaller ships that carry them from bigger ships in Sunda Kelapa Harbor.

Trace the Change from the Past to the Future of Jakarta from Kali Besar as A Part of Jakarta Old Town

In the Dutch colonial era, the Kali Besar was the center of commerce in the Old Batavia, and it became an elite area and there are many European big buildings that was build around it. However, the situation changed drastically due to an epidemic in the 1900s. The Kali Besar is no longer the center of economy as many people move to other prospective areas. Now in the present, the Kali Besar and the buildings around it have become a tourist attraction. Some of them are the Diamond City Bridge, Mercure Hotel, and The Red Store that now also functions as a restaurant.

See The Iconic Place with Your Own Eye as a Part of Your Walking Tour in Jakarta Old Town Area

To know more about the iconic Kali Besar, come to Jakarta, and join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to explore Jakarta history, culture, and delicacies as we stroll around the iconic places of Jakarta. See you around!

Reminisce the View of Old Batavia by the Modern Fatahillah Square in Jakarta Old Town

Learning Jakarta History in Fatahillah Square as You Take a Stroll as a Part of Jakarta Walking Tour

One of the most iconic landmarks in Jakarta to visit is the Jakarta Old Town Area, where the Jakarta History Museum or Museum Fatahillah established. The museums are the ones that you will often see in souvenirs, postcards, or stamps that represent the city. In front of the the museum, stretched out a town square. It is as popular and as iconic as the museum, since it is an inseparable part of the city hall from the Old Batavia era.

A Brief History of the Importance Past and Modern Fatahillah Square as An Iconic Part of Jakarta Old Town

The first city hall of Batavia was built in 1620, and like many other European style structures, the city hall included a square, called Stadhuisplain, which is the Fatahillah Square in modern era. According to a painting, there was a water fountain at the center of the square that functioned as a water source for the citizens. It is believed that the water from the fountain was from Pancoran Glodok. The fountain went missing in the 19th Century but was later found in 1972 by excavating the area. Pipes that connect the water fountain to the source were also found. With that source of evidence, the water fountain was rebuilt according to the painting and in 1973, the square was renamed as Fatahillah Square or Taman Fatahillah.

Things You Can See and Do in Fatahillah Square as A Part of Jakarta Old Town Area

In the modern era, Fatahillah Square has become a popular tourist attraction, not only among foreign tourists, but also locals. There are many activities to do at the square. Taking photos, playing with toys, riding bycicles, or snacking for example. Or you can choose to eat at one of the restaurants around it and see the square as you look through the windows. As so many people come especially on holidays or weekends, there are also many street vendors. The square is mostly open to visit every day except when there is a particular event, but museums around it will be closed every Monday.

Explore More Interesting Things by Yourself by Visiting the Jakarta Old Town Area as a Part of Walking Tour in Jakarta

To find more of what to see and do at Fatahillah Square while learning about Jakarta History, come visit the place by yourself. Join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour during your stay in the city. We will take you to explore the history, culture, and more of the city. See you around!

Museum Wayang, A Cultural Heritage to Visit at Jakarta Old Town on Walking Tour in Jakarta

Historical Museums You Can Visit During Your Walks in the Jakarta Old Town

The most iconic place to visit during your stay in Jakarta to learn about the history of the city is the Jakarta Old Town area. You can find many historical buildings there, including museums. One of the museums that holds the most impactful historical value is the Fatahillah Museum, the building that stands behind the Fatahillah Square, the white building with many windows. Alongside the Fatahillah Museums, there is also a Puppet Museum or “Wayang Museum” that is located nearby. You can learn more about the culture of Indonesian in this museum.

A Brief History of Museum Wayang That Has Been Standing in the Jakarta Old Town Area for Hundreds of Years

The previous building of the museum is originally a church that was built in the year of 1640 in the Dutch colonial era when Jakarta was still called as “Batavia”. The church name was De Oude Hollandsche Kerk and changed to De Nieuwe Hollandse Kerk in the year 1808. The church was ruined due to an earthquake, and a new building was built at the same location, which is the Puppet Museum. It is inaugurated as a museum on August 13th, 1975.

Things You Can See and What You Can Learn inside the Historical Museum of Old Batavia

Based on the name, you can tell that this museum has a collection of “Wayang”. Wayang is a special kind of “puppet” that has a distinctive feature. It is usually made from cow skin, and a puppeteer or known as “dalang” will operate a show where they control the movements of wayangs in a wide background that reflecting shadows. The show is also called wayang or wayang show. As it is originally come from Javanese community, the show is usually using Javanese language. However, there are also different types of wayang aside from Javanese wayang, so the museum housed various types of wayang from all over Indonesia, even from abroad such as Europe Countries, Republic of China and Cambodia.

See Various Types of Wayang by Visiting the Puppet Museum in Jakarta Old Batavia Tour

To explore and learn more about what is inside the museum, come visit Jakarta and the historical museum to see for yourself. Join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour and we will take you to find out what the city has to offer. See you around!

Diamond City Bridge as the Witness of the Old Batavia in the Past

Learn About the History of Jakarta Through Iconic Bridge in Old Jakarta Area

The most suitable place to reminisce Jakarta in the old days is by visiting the Old Town area. There are museums, monuments, and historical buildings that have preserved their original forms since the era before independence. Alongside Fatahillah Square, History of Jakarta Museum, and monuments, there is also an iconic bridge that has been around since the era of Dutch colonization, which is known as Diamond City Bridge or Jembatan Kota Intan.

A Brief History of Diamond City Bridge While Reminiscing the Old Batavia as You Pass by on Walking Tour in Jakarta

It is believed that this bridge was built by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the year of 1628. The name has been changing a few times until it’s finally called the Diamond City Bridge. In the past, there was a palace in the area. Later on, the Dutch came and built a fort with four towers near the palace, and the bridge is located near one of the towers named Diamond bastion of Batavia Castle. Therefore, the bridge is mostly known as “Jembatan Kota Intan” after Indonesian independence. In the past, the bridge can be lifted for ships to pass by the river. An unfortunate story about the bridge is there was a massacre by Dutch colonizers that caused the river washed with the blood of the victims for weeks. On September 7th, 1977 it was inaugurated as a cultural heritage by the Governor of Jakarta of that time, Ali Sadikin.

How to Reach the Diamond City Bridge Form the Jakarta Old Town

The bridge is relatively easy to reach as it is near the Old Town Square. You can reach the place by approximately 1.5 km by walking from the Kota Tua train station. You can arrive at the location around 5 minutes. The view is different if you visit it in the day or night. There are lighting installation to see at night. Despite the unfortunate history, it is not a scary place to visit in the present time.

Learn More In-Depth History of Jakarta by Joining Jakarta Old Batavia Tour

There is still more to explore about the bridge or other buildings nearby that also have precious historical value. Find out more about it by coming to Jakarta and joining our Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you stroll around the city to reminisce about the life of Jakarta in the past. See you around!

Visit Maritime Museum to Learn History of Spices of the Old Batavia

A Must Visit Museum That Holds Maritime History of Old Jakarta

Along with the the Old Town Square area, there are many places nearby that you can explore by walking to learn the history of Jakarta, then and now. As there are Fatahillah Museum, Puppet Museum, and Museum of Fine Art and Ceramics, there is also another museum in the northern part of Jakarta that contains the maritime history of Jakarta, which is Maritime Museum or “Museum Bahari” that located near the Syahbandar Tower.

A Brief History of Maritime History That Witness Changes of Old Batavia As Years Pass By

This museum was built in the era of Dutch colonization in the year of 1718. This museum was once used as a storage by the Dutch East India Company to store spices that is about to be sold to sailors from India, China, and other countries in the European continent. As for now, it is functioned as a museum that hold the maritime history Indonesia. Inside, you can find various collections from traditional ships in various form, style, and sizes, to ships from the Dutch East India era. Other than that, also equipment that sailors use in the past such as navigation tool, anchor, binoculars, lighthouse, and cannon models. You can learn the history of spices throughout the years by reading boards and infographics inside the museum.

How To Reach the Historical Museum by Walking During Tour in Jakarta

The location of Museum Bahari is around 2 KM by walking from the Old Town area. Other alternatives are local transportation such as JakLingko, online motorcycle taxi, or bajaj. The museum opens almost everyday except Monday, from 8 AM to 4 PM. The ticket price is varied, from Monday to Friday it is IDR 10.000 for local tourists, and IDR 50.000 for foreign tourists.

Explore More of Maritime History of Jakarta with Jakarta Old Batavia Tour

There are more iconic and historical places that you can visit in the Jakarta Old Town Area in this modern time. You can learn the history, culture, and delicacies of the past and modern Jakarta with us. Join us on the Jakarta Old Batavia Tour package with Jakarta Walking Tour if you plan to visit the city. See you around!

Syahbandar Tower, An Iconic Tower That Witness the History of Old Batavia

A Historical Tower to See While Strolling on Walking Tour in Jakarta

We previously mentioned the old and historical harbor in Jakarta, Sunda Kelapa. Not far from there, other historical buildings that witness the city’s changes exist, and the Menara Syahbandar or Syahbandar Tower is one of them. It is located around two kilometers from Sunda Kelapa Harbor. So, if you happen to visit the harbor, it’s a good chance to visit this iconic place too.

A Brief History of the Historical Tower to See Around for Walking Tour in Jakarta

Syahbandar Tower is in the Maritime Museum or Museum Bahari complex. It functioned as a watchtower to monitor the outbound and inbound ships and as custom office to extract tax for goods that were unloaded in Sunda Kelapa Harbor. According to the Culture Department of Jakarta website, Syahbandar Tower occupies the former Columberg Bastion, which was built around 1645 with the construction of a wall around the city of Batavia on the west side. And the short tower at the east side was built in 1839 specifically to keep the clock and chronometer accurate. The clock that is installed on the roof is to signal ships’ crews to adjust their ship’s clock.

Syahbandar Tower in A Glance of the Modern Times of Old Batavia

After independence, the tower had been through many changes. In April 2007, the revitalization of Jakarta Old Town has been going and the Maritime Museum complex had been through restoration to preserve the historical value of the buildings. The Syahbandar tower can now be visited as a historical site. It is open almost every day except Monday, from 8 AM to 5 PM. It is believed that there is a basement and a tunnel that is stretches until the Fatahillah Museum or even Istiqlal Mosque but is closed as since.

See More Things Around the Old Town Area with Jakarta Walking Tour

There are more iconic and historical places that you can visit in the Jakarta Old Town Area in this modern time. Join us on the Jakarta Old Batavia Tour package with Jakarta Walking Tour if you plan to visit the city. See you around!

Walk Down the Memory Lane of Old Batavia by Visiting Sunda Kelapa Harbor

A Historical Harbor to Visit During Your Walking Tour Around the Jakarta Old Town

There are many historical places to visit in the Jakarta Old Town area to reminisce about the old times of Jakarta, especially around the Old Town Square where you can see old buildings and museums. Not far from there, you can visit another historical place that is still operating until this modern time, which is a harbor, called the Sunda Kelapa Harbor.

A Brief History of Sunda Kelapa Harbor That Witness Every Changes of Batavia Through Times

The has been around since the 12th Century and it once belonged to the Pajajaran Kingdom and called the Kalapa Harbor, when the country was not established as a republic yet. As time goes by, the harbor was contested in the era of kingdoms and colonization within kingdoms in Nusantara or between European colonizers, until Dutch finally seized the country for around 300 years. In the 1970s, the ancient name of the harbor is used, hence the name “Sunda Kelapa”.

Things You Can See in the Historical Harbor of Batavia Along the Route of Walking Tour in Jakarta

In this modern time, the Sunda Kelapa harbor almost became a tourist area due to its high historical value. For economic aspects, this harbor is strategically located near trade centers such as Mangga Dua, Glodok, Pasar Pagi, and many others. Goods that had been transported through the harbor mostly are staples, spices, and building materials. So, once you arrived at the harbor, you can see many big ships, which is Pinisi ships that has been used to transport goods between islands in Indonesia. Containers can also be seen going in and out of the harbor. Flats where the worker stays can also be seen nearby.

Find More Things to Explore by Joining Jakarta Old Batavia Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour

There are still many places to explore and stories to unfold about the harbor and the city. To learn more details about the history of Batavia, there is Museum Bahari and Menara Syahbandar to visit nearby. Join us on the Jakarta Old Batavia Tour if you want to learn more once you come to Jakarta. See you around!