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guides app by lonely planet reviewFeatured on Guides by Lonely Planet App.
Lonely Planet’s TOP CHOICE. Reviewed as “The Best Play” in Jakarta

conde nast traveler review

Featured on Conde Nast traveler.
Article title: 12 Street Food Rules You Don’t Know You’re Breaking in Asia

world 360 degreeFeatured on World 360 Degree, TV documentary – Channel 5 Thailand.
Video title: Jakarta street food, the true friend of all classes

wander travel netherlands reviewFeatured on Wander Travel Channel Netherlands. 
Video Title: DROOM KOMT UIT! | Bibi & Yvonne #1 – Java

rahaalah reviewFeatured on Rahaalah Travel Channel UEA.
Video Title: Exploring Jakarta with Abdullah

chris travel blog reviewFeatured on Chris Travel Blog Netherlands.
Article title: Jakarta Food Tour by night: 4 hours of eating!

Featured on the leading online portal news in Indonesia.
Article title: Nostalgia memori masa kecil dengan tur layang-layang