Featured on Guides by Lonely Planet App.
Lonely Planet’s TOP CHOICE. Reviewed as “The Best Play” in Jakarta
Featured on Conde Nast traveler.
Article title: 12 Street Food Rules You Don’t Know You’re Breaking in Asia
Featured on World 360 Degree, TV documentary – Channel 5 Thailand.
Video title: Jakarta street food, the true friend of all classes
Featured on Wander Travel Channel Netherlands.
Video Title: DROOM KOMT UIT! | Bibi & Yvonne #1 – Java
Featured on Rahaalah Travel Channel UEA.
Video Title: Exploring Jakarta with Abdullah
Featured on Chris Travel Blog Netherlands.
Article title: Jakarta Food Tour by night: 4 hours of eating!
Featured on detik.com the leading online portal news in Indonesia.
Article title: Nostalgia memori masa kecil dengan tur layang-layang