Join A Walking Tour Package and Find the Iconic State Palace Along the Way of Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour in Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Palaces in Indonesia That You Might Find While Joining a Jakarta Walking Tour Package

It is known that Indonesia has a several presidential palaces that is located in few big cities of Indonesia. While the most iconic ones are the Merdeka Palace and State Palace, there are also presidential palaces such as Yogyakarta Presidential Palace, Cipanas Presidential Palace, and Bogor Presidential Palace.

Where to Find the State Palace While Strolling Around in Jakarta on Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour

Although the State Palace (Istana Negara) is situated in the same complex as the Merdeka Palace in Central Jakarta, this building is located on a different street, which is Veteran Street, and facing the Ciliwung River. The building was once a private residence of Dutch colonial citizen in the past, and later was taken over by the Dutch East Indies government as a governmental building.

Learn About the State Palace Function in the Present Day While Walking Around Central Jakarta on Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour Package

While the Merdeka Palace is used as the residence of the President of Indonesia and for state events, the state palace is mainly used for state banquets to welcome esteemed guests from other countries, national assembly, and national and international congress.

Find and Learn More Historical and Iconic Buildings in Jakarta with Joining Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour Package with Jakarta Walking Tour

There is more to see and find while walking around Central Jakarta with Jakarta Walking Tour, such as historical palaces, places of worship, popular culinary center, and more. Just join the Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour and we will be ready to explore. See you around!

Find The Iconic Merdeka Palace to Learn About History of Indonesia While Strolling Around in Jakarta with Jakarta Walking Tour

Learn About Palaces in Indonesia While Joining a Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour

When a palace was usually meant for kings and royals, in Indonesia, a palace is known as a building where the president resides or carry presidential duties. In Indonesia, there are several presidential palaces that spreads around the country. A few of them are such as the Merdeka Palace and State Palace, that is in the heart of Jakarta City, Yogyakarta Presidential Palace in Yogyakarta, Cipanas Palace in Cipanas, and Bogor Presidential Palace in Bogor.

Where to Walk Around and Find the Merdeka Palace While Joining the Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour

As the name suggests, the Merdeka Palace is on Merdeka Street, on the north side of the Merdeka Square in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. Within the same complex, the State Palace also exists. So, it is convenient to walk around the Central Jakarta area on Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour to find the building.

Learn About the Past and Present Function of Merdeka Palace on Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour

In the past, which is the colonial era of Indonesia, the palace is originally a building where the Dutch’s governor general resides. After Indonesian independence, the palace has become the residence of the president of Indonesia, as well as official state events until these present days. The Independence Day Ceremony is held here every year.

Find More Historical Buildings Around Central Jakarta with Jakarta Cultural Religious Tour

Aside from historical palaces, there are many different iconic historical buildings to explore such as places of worship, museums, governmental buildings, and more. To know better, come to Jakarta and take a walk with Jakarta Walking Tour. We can learn about the history, culture, and cuisine of the city together. See you around!

Enjoy the Richness of Indonesian Spices in “Soto Kuning”, One of the Authentic Bogor Cuisines to Try In-Between the Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Soto Kuning as a Bogor Cuisine That You Can Try as You Pass by on the Streets of Bogor in Bogor Walking Tour

Soto is one of the popular Indonesian cuisines that you can find easily in various areas around Indonesia. It is basically a soup dish that contains many versions of broth. It can be clear chicken broth, milk broth, coconut milk broth, and more. According to its ingredients, the color of the broth might be different in certain areas in Indonesia. So does in Bogor, it is known to have “Soto Kuning”, or literally means Yellow Soto due to its broth color.

What Makes Soto Kuning Different Beside Other Cuisines That You Can Find on the Streets of Bogor City

The Soto Kuning usually uses beef and offal as its main ingredients. The broth is made from coconut milk that is combined with other ingredients such as turmeric and other Indonesian spices so the color will turn yellow. It has a rich savory taste with a quite strong aroma of spices. Indonesians will usually eat it with rice as a full meal either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Where and When Can You Find Soto Kuning in Bogor City as You Walk Around the Streets of Bogor as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour

One of the easy ways to find Soto Kuning is by visiting Suryakencana Street, a street of Bogor City where many vendors sell various kinds of cuisines and snacks. It is usually full of Bogor local citizens or Jakartans who visit Bogor in weekends on their holidays. Moreover, it is better to find authentic Soto Kuning from its origins. You might find Soto Kuning in other areas around Indonesia like Jakarta for example, but the taste can differ based on what ingredients are available at the particular area.

Find and Enjoy Different Kinds of Cuisines in Bogor City Together with Us on Bogor Walking Tour

Alongside Soto Kuning, there are more cuisines and snacks to explore in Bogor City. If you are curious, come to Bogor, and join us on the Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore the history, culture, and cuisine of the city together. See you around!

An Iconic Sight of the Historical Neo-Gothic Zebaoth Church Amidst the Nature of Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City

A Brief History of Zebaoth Church That as an Iconic Church That is Worth to See During Bogor Walking Tour in Bogor City

To this present day, the Zebaoth Church is the only church that is adjacent to the Bogor Botanical Gardens and the Bogor Palace area. The church was built since the Dutch colonial era and the first milestone of the construction was placed by the Dutch East Indies governor general in on January 30th, 1920. The church name was originally “Köningin Wilhelmina Kerk”.

The Zebaoth Church as A Historical Place to Visit in Bogor City Along with Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

Since it stands October 31st, 1948, the church was called as GPIB Bogor and “Chicken Church” by locals at it has a windvane in a shape of chicken on its rooftop. Since October 3rd, 1995, the church changed its name to Jemaat GPIB Zebaoth Bogor. “Zebaoth” came from Hebrew that literally means a soldier that is ready to carry out God’s commands.

The Zebaoth Church in Present Day as a Historical Place of Worship to See in Bogor Area as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour

The Zebaoth Church has been a place to worship by Indonesian Protestants in the Bogor city or its areas nearby, and still functioning as a normal Protestant church until the present day. The church has a routine worship session every week and it can be found on their website at For its historical value, the church became an official cultural heritage in the year 2007.

Explore Other Cultural Heritage and Other Tourist Attraction in Bogor City by Joining Bogor Walking Tour

There are other things to see beside historical buildings like churches, museums, palaces, and more in Bogor City. You can also explore nature and exotic plants in thematic parks of Bogor Botanical Gardens or more. To find out for yourself, come to Bogor City and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore the beauty of the city together. See you around!

Get To Know Indonesian Herbs by Visiting the Medicinal Thematic Garden of Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Medicinal Thematic Gardens That You Can Visit Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City

Until this present day, there are still many Indonesians who rely heavily on traditional medicine to cure illness, therefore, it is not uncommon to find herbs or medicinal plants around the country. While some people plant them in their own yard or garden, these medicinal plants also can be seen inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

An Abundant Collection of Medicinal Plants That You Can View in Bogor Botanical Thematic Gardens

As it is stated on their website, the medicinal plants are conserved in two sections. In one section, it has 175 species, 144 genus, and 55 varieties of medicinal plants. Meanwhile, in the second section, it has 228 species, 172 genus, and 65 varieties of medicinal plants. Visitors can recognize and learn about the medicinal plants by reading the information board that is placed in front of the plants.

Stroll Around to Enjoy the View of the Medicinal Thematic Garden as Part of Walking Tour Bogor Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

You can walk around leisurely while breathing the fresh air inside the Medicinal Thematic Garden aside from learning about the variety of plants. You can just look around, take pictures, exercise, or just sitting around to enjoy nature.

Find More Things to Do and See in Bogor City Other Than Visiting Bogor Botanical Gardens by Joining Bogor Walking Tour

To find out more to explore around Bogor City, join our Bogor Walking Tour package, and we can learn about the city’s history, find new things to try, or tasting some local delicacies together. Wear your comfortable clothes and walking shoes, and we will be ready to depart. See you around!

Seek A Relief From Chinese Reflexology in Glodok Chinatown After A Day of Walking Tour in Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Chinese Reflexology As A Part of Medicinal Treatment That You Can Find in Glodok Chinatown

After a day of walking since morning, there are options to relax in between your journey of walking tour. Either drinking, eating, sitting for a while, or you can also try Chinese reflexology. Reflexology is a massage technique that using application of pressure in certain body parts that could produce some effects to other areas of the body. The pressure mainly applied on foot. That is why some reflexology places displays an image of foot at their door to be recognized.

Where You Can Find Chinese Reflexology Places at Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

When you take a stroll around the Glodok Chinatown area, when you got to the part where a row of traditional medicine stores stand, you might find one or a few places that offer reflexology. You can also try to look inside the trading building such as department stores or malls. If you are tired after a day of walking, you can relax while enjoying the cool air of air conditioned rooms.

How Much and How Long You Can Enjoy A Relaxing Chinese Reflexology in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

Nowadays, reflexology places can be found relatively easy around Jakarta, so does in Glodok Chinatown area. Their offers are also widely varied, depends on what body parts you want to be massaged, or how long do you want it to go on. Usually, the shortest time is around 30 minutes and it will cost around USD5 to USD10, but it also depends on the locations. It can goes as expensive as USD25 for full body massage and long durations.

Find Other Interesting Things To Try Aside from Chinese Reflexology in Jakarta Chinatown Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour

To find more new and interesting stuffs to try in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta, come to the city and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour package. We can learn about the history, culture, and cuisine of the city together. See you around!

Get to Know Chinese Zodiacs or “Shio” While Exploring Glodok Chinatown on Walking Tour in Jakarta

Brief Introduction of Chinese Zodiacs or More Widely Known as “Shio” in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

As in western zodiac there are Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and etc, for Chinese communities, they rely more on different kind of zodiacs, ore more widely known as “shio”. Shio is classified based on Chinese calendar that represented by an animal in repeating 12 year cycles. There are Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig zodiac.

Discover Fortune Telling Based on Chinese Astrology in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

When you walk around the Glodok Chinatown area, especially in some buildings or department stores, you might find a place when they offer a fortune telling reading based on your Chinese zodiac. There will be prophecy of your luck, love life, health, and etc.

Celebrate A Different Theme of Chinese New Year Every Year Based on the Representative Chinese Zodiac

Depends on what year it is, there will be different themed new year celebrations through the year based on what Chinese Zodiac and elements that it represents. For example, in this year of 2024, it is said to be the year of Dragon zodiac with wood element. So, in many places, you will see a lot of public places that decorated with dragon’s image. Some commercial products also offered their products that has a dragon designed on them.

Get to Know Your Zodiac and Got Your Fortune Read in Glodok Chinatown Area

If you are curious to know about your fortune by your Chinese Zodiac, you can try to find a master to read it on Glodok Chinatown area. Come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour package and we will explore iconic and interesting to see and try around the Chinatown Jakarta. See you around!

Learning Cultures and History of Jakarta from A Row of Traditional Chinese Medicine Stores in Glodok Chinatown

A Brief Introduction of Traditional Chinese Medicine That is Popular Amongst Chinese Community in Glodok Chinatown

In a Chinese community, herbs and traditional medicine are not foreign things. Herbs and medicine that use natural ingredients are relatively easy to find in traditional Chinese medicine stores. Like a modern pharmacy, this traditional drugstore usually has a traditional doctor that is called “sinshe”, that writes recipes, then based on the recipes, the pharmacists will mix some ingredients to make the herbal medicines.

Where to Find the Traditional Chinese Medicine Stores in Glodok Jakarta as You Stroll Around on Walking Tour in Jakarta

This row of traditional Chinese medicine stores can be seen around the Glodok Jakarta area, precisely around Pancoran Raya street. The presence of these herbal medicine stores goes way back to pre-independence era, started by merchants from China that came and settled in Indonesia to trade. The long history of the stores can be seen by the look of the buildings.

See Variety of Medicine from Different Natural Ingredients of Traditional Chinese Medicine Stores Around Glodok Chinatown Area

A wide variety of natural ingredients are used to produce herbal medicines in traditional Chinese medicine store. They are mostly from plants and herbs but might contain parts of some animals too. Depending on the indication and illness of each patient, the dose and ingredients might be different for each person.

Explore Other Things and Look Forward to Other Interesting Things in Jakarta Chinatown Tour in Glodok Jakarta

Come and see the historical and iconic buildings in person to learn more about the city. Join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour to experience life in a blend of mixed communities. We will look forward to your visit. See you around!

Experience the Festivities of “Cap Go Meh” or Lantern Festival Around Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Cap Go Meh That is Celebrated All Over The City Especially Around the Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

Aside from the Chinese New Year or Imlek, one of the annual occasion that is also celebrated all around the city is the “Cap Go Meh”, or the Lantern Festival, a traditional festival that is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Cap Go Meh is more familiar amongst Indonesians, and it is derived from Hokkien dialect that means the fifteenth day.

A Few Things to See and Look Forward to Feel the Festivities of Cap Go Meh Around the Glodok Chinatown Area

You can tell the Cap Go Meh is near while looking at the oriental decorations in many places like restaurants, hotels, or malls. In Glodok Chinatown Area, the vendors and sellers starts selling items, properties, and trinkets for the festival like paper lanterns, accessories, clothes, and other decoration items in red color.

Events to Look Forward to Around the Glodok Chinatown or Other Places in the City That You Might Find Interesting While Strolling During Walking Tour in Jakarta

To celebrate the occasion, there are events that held all over the city, some might open a food or cuisine festival, competitions, discounts, and many more. There will be lantern decoration anywhere and there might be a lantern releasing event as well. What is similar with the celebration of the Chinese New Year, is you can also see the lion dance or “Barongsai”.

Take A Walk Together on Jakarta Chinatown Tour Around Glodok Chinatown Jakarta to Find More Interesting Things To Experience and Learn

If you are curious about other things like culture, history, and cuisines of Chinese community in Indonesia, then come to Jakarta and take a stroll with Jakarta Walking Tour on Jakarta Chinatown Tour. We can see, find, and experience fun and interesting things together. See you around!

Experience the Excitements and Festivities of Chinese New Year Around Glodok Chinatown During Your Walking Tour in Jakarta 

Stroll Around on Walking Tour in Jakarta During the Chinese New Year to Experience the Excitement on Glodok Chinatown Jakarta 

Like in many other parts of the world, the Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year is also celebrated in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the celebration is called “Imlek”, that is derived from Hokkien dialect. During the week of celebration, many vendors who sells trinkets, decorations, and other things in red are spread out in many places, mainly where the Chinese community live, in Glodok Chinatown for example. There are many vendors who began to sell seasonal items for the New Year like red decorations, red lanterns, red packets and so on. So, when you stroll and look around, you can see red almost everywhere. 

Other Places Where You Could Also See and Enjoy the Festivities of Chinese New Year Beside the Glodok Chinatown Jakarta 

Except in Chinatown or where the majorities of Chinese community live, the Chinese New Year is also celebrated in many parts of the city. Like in hotels, department stores, apartments, and supermarkets, there will be Chinese New Year decorations on their walls, windows, or auditoriums. They also usually offer special offers and discounts to celebrate the events in malls. 

Events To Look Forward to In Every Chinese New Year Celebrations in Glodok Jakarta or Other Locations Around the City 

Besides the special decorations and trinkets, there are events to look forward to, they are Lion Dance Performance, or we also called it as “Barongsai”, where a few people in mythical lion costumes perform some attractions. A set of poles for them to dance are prepared in some places, and sometimes they will go around and ask for some red packets. Other events include some competitions, fashion shows, singing contests, and many more.  

Find Out More About the Chinese New Year While Strolling Around on Jakarta Chinatown Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour 

If you want to experience the excitements and festivities of Chinese New Year in Jakarta yourself, come to the city and join us on Jakarta Chinatown Tour. Learn more about the history, culture, and cuisines of the city together with us. See you around!