Explore Unique Things in Glodok Chinatown Wet Market That You Won’t Find in Any Ordinary Place in Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Glodok Chinatown Wet Market to Visit During Walking Tour in Jakarta

Glodok is known as a Chinatown area in a part of Jakarta. This is where most of the Chinese community live and run their business. There are traditional markets, restaurants, stores, malls, trade centre, temples, etc. Like any other traditional market, the market in the Glodok area sells daily products such as vegetables, meats, poultry, and fruits. However, what is unique about this place is they also sell something that cannot be found in any ordinary market around Jakarta.

Unique Things That You Can Find While Strolling Around in Glodok Chinatown Wet Market

If you visit the Glodok Chinatown market, you might find some unfamiliar sights as some vendors some unusual products that are not sold by other merchant in Jakarta, such as sea cucumber, softshell turtle, and pigs. They are sold to be consumed as a cuisine or for medicinal purposes.

Other Things to Find in Glodok Chinatown Wet Market as A Part of Jakarta Walking Tour

Aside unique things in Glodok Chinatown wet market, you can also find and try various kinds of snacks and fusion cuisine. As Indonesia are inhabited by settlers from around the world, you can find various type of food which are combinations of diverse cultures. A wide variety of snacks that you can find in a market is called “jajanan pasar” or market snacks. You can taste various tastes and various fillings of market snacks, from sweet, salty, and spicy.

Explore the Glodok Chinatown Market Together and Find Interesting Together with Jakarta Walking Tour

If you are curious about the Glodok Chinatown market or its history and culture, come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour. We will explore a place which holds a valuable history as a part to shape the modern Jakarta. See you around!

Exploring Tea Ceremonies, A Part of Chinese Heritage That Flourish in the Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Tea Ceremonies That Preserves a Cultural Heritage of Diverse Communities in Indonesia, Especially in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

The history of drinking tea culture goes way back to the Dutch colonial era. The East India Companies came to the country and saw the potential to grow a profitable tea industry, thus, they conducted an operation to plant tea leaves across Indonesia during the cultuurestelsel. From then on, Indonesia has become one of the biggest producers and exporters of tea products.

A Different Kind of Tea Ceremonies Across Indonesia as a Mix of Different Cultures Aside from Chinese Tea Ceremonies in Glodok Jakarta

Aside from the effects of the colonial era, drinking tea culture also influenced by immigrants that come from all over the world to Indonesia. Not only the Chinese tea ceremony, in different part of Indonesia, Cirebon and Tegal, there has been a culture to drink tea from a clay pot, known as “Teh Poci”. It is usually served with sugar cubes to add the sweetness. In Java, there is also a tradition in Keraton Yogyakarta or the Palace of Yogyakarta for the royals.

Places to Experience Tea Ceremonies in Person Around the Glodok Chinatown Area During Walking Tour in Jakarta

The relatively easy place to find places that conduct tea ceremonies is in Glodok Jakarta area. There are a few places that can introduce you to tea ceremonies. One of them is the “Pantjoran Tea House”, a tea house that serves Chinese cuisines and provide a package set to introduce tea ceremonies, and the other ones it the relatively new, “Pieces of Peace”, in Petak Enam Glodok Jakarta area. Opened in 2020, they provide a wide variety of local tea, as well as imported tea from China and Japan. The guests can even try to brew the tea by themselves. The place has become an oasis for young people to learn and preserve a valuable culture that has been around for decades ago.

Find More Things to Explore in Glodok Jakarta as A Part of Jakarta Chinatown Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour

If you want to find and learn about more things aside from tea ceremonies in Glodok Chinatown, come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour. We can find interesting facts, learn new things, and try delicious cuisines together. See you around!

Pantjoran Tea House, A Refreshing Place of Glodok Chinatown to Visit During Walking Tour in Jakarta Under the Hot Weather

A Brief History of Pantjoran Tea House Across Different Eras of Batavia and Modern Jakarta in Glodok Chinatown Area

The Pantjoran Tea House is an iconic two stories building that is located at Pancoran Street in Glodok Chinatown area. It is right at the hook of an intersection; thus, the building is quite standout and easy to recognize. According to the store’s website, the store was built during the 17th and 18th Century to preserve the Chinese heritage in Glodok Chinatown area. It is also said that in the year of 1928, it was once a pharmacy before later revitalized as tea house in 2015, as a part to make Jakarta Old Town a world cultural heritage sites by the UNESCO.

An Old Tradition of “Patekoan”, Started by a Generous Chinese Chief That Lasted to This Day to Preserve the Chinese Heritage of Glodok Jakarta

Every day from 8 Am to 6 PM or every weekend from 7 AM to 6 PM, the Pantjoran Tea House usually provide free tea from eight kettles in front of the store for the people who pass by. They usually use two to three boxes of tea and serve it in eight kettles; thus, the name of this tradition is “Patekoan”. This tradition was started by a Chinese chief, Kapitan Gan Djie, that provided free tea in kettles for peddlers around the area.

Learning Chinese Culture That is Preserved Until This Modern Area from Tea Ceremonies in the Glodok Chinatown Area

One of the a few things that makes the store different from other regular stores or restaurants, the Panjoran Tea House not only provides tea to try, but they also can prepare the package with a guide to a tea ceremony. While serving the tea, the waitress will explain to you about the type of tea and how the tea ceremony proceeds. Not only tea, but they also serve Chinese food for main course and snacks. There is a variety of menu’s choice, and you can try what suits your palate best.

Explore More You Can Find and See with Jakarta Chinatown Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour

To learn more things about Chinese culture, trying various kinds of fusion cuisines around the Glodok Chinatown area, come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour. Let’s stroll around, explore interesting facts, trying delicious cuisines, and many more together. See you around!

Gedung Chandra, A Trace of The Past from Properous Era of Glodok Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Gedung Chandra, the Pioneer of Modern Shopping Mall in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

A large majority of Chinese community in Jakarta are living and doing their activities and run their businesses in Glodok area, thus the place became the Chinatown of the city. Aside from residencies, markets, stores, and restaurants, there also exists a shopping mall in the center of the area, which is the Chandra Building, or Gedung Chandra as locals call it.

Things You Can See Inside the Gedung Chandra as A Part of Your Walking Tour on Glodok Chinatown Area

In the past, this shopping mall became one of the pioneers of modern malls in Jakarta, so there are traces of various tenants on each floor. However, after going through different eras, histories, and changes, many of the lots occupied by local Chinese business owners that sells various products from clothes, decorations, appliances, snacks, and more. Many of them are non-branded products.

See Other Things on The Other Side of Gedung Chandra to Get a Taste of Glodok Chinatown’s Delicacies in Petak Enam Area

Adjacent to the old Chandra Building, a new area has been established in this modern time, called Petak Enam. This place is a semi-open area that is occupied by food vendors, stalls, and restaurants that sell various kinds of food from different areas in Indonesia. Not only Chinese food, but other traditional Indonesian food and or Western style cuisine can also be found in this area.

Find More to See and Explore Around the Gedung Chandra During Jakarta Chinatown Tour as Your Itinerary in Jakarta

If you want to see and explore more things of the Glodok Chinatown area, come visit Jakarta and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour. We can learn about the communities, their history, cultures, and delicacies together. See you around!

Petak Sembilan Glodok Jakarta, A Center of Community to Visit in Jakarta Chinatown Tour

Find a Mix of Different Cultures and Explore More About Various Communities That Coexist in Petak Sembilan in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta Area

Jakarta is inhabited by many people from various communities and ethnicities that coexist with each other. One of the communities that exist in the heart of Jakarta is the Chinese communities. The community has been presence since the pre-colonial era and a big populations of the descendants are still existing across many eras. One of the biggest presences in Jakarta area is in Glodok area, or now called as Petak Sembilan, or the precise location is at Jl. Kemenangan, West Jakarta.

Things You Can Find in Petak Sembilan Jakarta Chinatown Area as A Part That You Can Visit with Jakarta Walking Tour

Although the origin of the Petak Sembilan name is unclear, but some people say that there are Nine Plot building or house that it exists in the area, thus the local name become “Petak Sembilan”. In this modern time, as it became a trade center for the Chinese community, not only there are many vendors, stalls, and stores that sells fresh daily product such as fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits, but there are also many merchants that sell Chinese food, herbal medicines, properties of worship, and decorations or accessories for Chinese festivals, and etc.

Things You Can Do in Petak Sembilan as A Visitor in Glodok Chinatown Jakarta

According to the descriptions above, a few things that you can do in Petak Sembilan are enjoying the mix of cultures by the food through fusions, shopping for some unique things that you rarely see anywhere across Indonesia, visiting temples with precious historical value, or just walking leisurely to take a look around of the buildings, people, and the market.

Explore More Things to Do in Petak Sembilan with Jakarta Walking Tour in Jakarta Chinatown Tour

If you are not sure of what you’re looking for in Glodok Chinatown Tour, joining us on our Jakarta Chinatown Tour could be a great option for you. Come to Jakarta, stroll with us and we will explore more of what you can see, find, and do in Petak Sembilan, or the places nearby. We can learn about the city’s history, culture, and delicacies together. See you around!

Reminisce the View of Old Batavia by the Modern Fatahillah Square in Jakarta Old Town

Learning Jakarta History in Fatahillah Square as You Take a Stroll as a Part of Jakarta Walking Tour

One of the most iconic landmarks in Jakarta to visit is the Jakarta Old Town Area, where the Jakarta History Museum or Museum Fatahillah established. The museums are the ones that you will often see in souvenirs, postcards, or stamps that represent the city. In front of the the museum, stretched out a town square. It is as popular and as iconic as the museum, since it is an inseparable part of the city hall from the Old Batavia era.

A Brief History of the Importance Past and Modern Fatahillah Square as An Iconic Part of Jakarta Old Town

The first city hall of Batavia was built in 1620, and like many other European style structures, the city hall included a square, called Stadhuisplain, which is the Fatahillah Square in modern era. According to a painting, there was a water fountain at the center of the square that functioned as a water source for the citizens. It is believed that the water from the fountain was from Pancoran Glodok. The fountain went missing in the 19th Century but was later found in 1972 by excavating the area. Pipes that connect the water fountain to the source were also found. With that source of evidence, the water fountain was rebuilt according to the painting and in 1973, the square was renamed as Fatahillah Square or Taman Fatahillah.

Things You Can See and Do in Fatahillah Square as A Part of Jakarta Old Town Area

In the modern era, Fatahillah Square has become a popular tourist attraction, not only among foreign tourists, but also locals. There are many activities to do at the square. Taking photos, playing with toys, riding bycicles, or snacking for example. Or you can choose to eat at one of the restaurants around it and see the square as you look through the windows. As so many people come especially on holidays or weekends, there are also many street vendors. The square is mostly open to visit every day except when there is a particular event, but museums around it will be closed every Monday.

Explore More Interesting Things by Yourself by Visiting the Jakarta Old Town Area as a Part of Walking Tour in Jakarta

To find more of what to see and do at Fatahillah Square while learning about Jakarta History, come visit the place by yourself. Join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour during your stay in the city. We will take you to explore the history, culture, and more of the city. See you around!

Museum Wayang, A Cultural Heritage to Visit at Jakarta Old Town on Walking Tour in Jakarta

Historical Museums You Can Visit During Your Walks in the Jakarta Old Town

The most iconic place to visit during your stay in Jakarta to learn about the history of the city is the Jakarta Old Town area. You can find many historical buildings there, including museums. One of the museums that holds the most impactful historical value is the Fatahillah Museum, the building that stands behind the Fatahillah Square, the white building with many windows. Alongside the Fatahillah Museums, there is also a Puppet Museum or “Wayang Museum” that is located nearby. You can learn more about the culture of Indonesian in this museum.

A Brief History of Museum Wayang That Has Been Standing in the Jakarta Old Town Area for Hundreds of Years

The previous building of the museum is originally a church that was built in the year of 1640 in the Dutch colonial era when Jakarta was still called as “Batavia”. The church name was De Oude Hollandsche Kerk and changed to De Nieuwe Hollandse Kerk in the year 1808. The church was ruined due to an earthquake, and a new building was built at the same location, which is the Puppet Museum. It is inaugurated as a museum on August 13th, 1975.

Things You Can See and What You Can Learn inside the Historical Museum of Old Batavia

Based on the name, you can tell that this museum has a collection of “Wayang”. Wayang is a special kind of “puppet” that has a distinctive feature. It is usually made from cow skin, and a puppeteer or known as “dalang” will operate a show where they control the movements of wayangs in a wide background that reflecting shadows. The show is also called wayang or wayang show. As it is originally come from Javanese community, the show is usually using Javanese language. However, there are also different types of wayang aside from Javanese wayang, so the museum housed various types of wayang from all over Indonesia, even from abroad such as Europe Countries, Republic of China and Cambodia.

See Various Types of Wayang by Visiting the Puppet Museum in Jakarta Old Batavia Tour

To explore and learn more about what is inside the museum, come visit Jakarta and the historical museum to see for yourself. Join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour and we will take you to find out what the city has to offer. See you around!

Some New Things You Can Do in Jakarta, Pos Bloc

Just last year, a new place had established as a new place for Things You Can Do in Jakarta, which is in Central Jakarta, the Pos Bloc. It used to be a post office but renovated and functioned as a business and entertainment center since November 2023.

A few Things You Can Do in Jakarta inside the Pos Bloc includes dining, snacking, shopping, sitting around, working, or taking photos. Once you arrive at the place, you will see a mix of new and old style in the design. Although the place had renovated, some parts of the old post office are persevered to provide the esthetic.

You will find many options for dining since many food tenants open their business there. Besides, there is also a minimarket where you can buy snacks and drinks. After that, you can sit and enjoy your snacks in front of the building outside since they provide many seats.

Not there are a load of Things You Can Do in Jakarta at Pos Bloc, but the location is also strategically easy to reach by public transport. You can ride Transjakarta Busway and get off at Pasar Baru Station, or Juanda Station if you are riding a commuter line. However, unfortunately there are not many parking spaces for private cars or motorbikes. So, you might have to park your vehicle at Pasar Baru across the Pos Bloc.

The Pos Bloc is open every day at 10 AM to 10 PM except weekend, since they will open from 7 AM. So, you can visit the Pos Bloc anytime you are available for Things You Can Do in Jakarta. You can dine, shop, and sit with a view of the street and the Pasar Baru shopping district while snacking.

If you happen to visit Jakarta someday, join us at Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you around to find more Things You Can Do and see in Jakarta. Explore and dig deeper into the city and experience some interesting things and activities. Also, learn about the culture, delicacies, history and more. Just pick a date and the tour package and we will be happy to help you. See you around!

A Couple Things You Can Do in Jakarta, at Lapangan Banteng Area

If you like to do some activities instead of just shopping and dining, visiting a park could become your choice for Things You Can Do in Jakarta. So, if you want to explore parks in Central Jakarta, we suggest you visit Lapangan Banteng.

A brief history of the place, Lapangan Banteng used to be named “Waterlooplein” to commemorate the defeat of France in the Battle of Waterloo by the Dutch colony. There was a lion statue as a sign of victory, so the other name was “Lion Field”. Since the lion symbolize Dutch colonialism, the former president of Indonesia, Soekarno renamed the field as Lapangan Banteng or literally means “Buffalo’s Field”.

In the present time, Lapangan Banteng has been functioning as a recreational park. A place where you can do many activities for Things You Can Do in Jakarta. You can exercise, bike, run, picnic, or sightsee in the area. There is also an iconic monument where you can take pictures. It is a statue of a man with widespread arm, to representation of West Papua Liberation from the Dutch colony, Irian Jaya Liberation Monument.

The location is in the heart of the city, Central Jakarta, close with other iconic places such as the Jakarta Cathedral and Pos Bloc. So, you can make a short stop at other places before or after visiting the park. As there are many Things You Can Do in Jakarta around this area, you can choose which one suit your preference more.

The place is open from 6 AM to 8 PM on weekdays and closes at 9 PM on weekends. Another perk, there is a fountain attraction every Saturdays and Sunday nights from 6.30 to 7.30 PM. On certain occasions, plants and animals’ exhibitions held in the field. So, there are so many options for Things You Can Do in Jakarta in this place.

If you plan to visit Jakarta someday, join us on Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to learn in-depth about Jakarta’s history, culture, and see more interesting things in Central Jakarta. See you around!

Things You Can Do in Jakarta, Watching Art Shows in Gedung Kesenian Jakarta

Aside from culinary and shopping activities, you might seek another new and fresh experience when visiting Jakarta, so try visiting a theater as one of a few Things You Can Do in Jakarta. If you are exploring Pasar Baru area, make a stop to Jakarta Art Building or Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ).

Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is a theater building that is located near Pasar Baru shopping district. It is one of historical buildings in Central Jakarta as it is built in Dutch colonial era. Despite as a theater building, the building itself has been used for many purposes as years went by. Aside for performances, it was used to hold congress, military headquarters, and meetings. A few of them are the meeting for planning to achieve Indonesian independence.

Nowadays, the building has returned to function as a theater where art performances, concerts, and shows are held. So, it can be a different alternative for Things You Can Do in Jakarta aside from food and shopping spots. However, you might have to look for a schedule of what is playing for the day in advance. You can see more details from the website here: https://dkj.or.id/

The capacity of the building is about 475 people. It is free to visit the inside of the building, but if there are performances or shows, you must buy or make reservations for the tickets. This theater is very accessible, and you can reach the place by Transjakarta Bus or commuter line. Besides, it is located near Pasar Baru and Pos Bloc, so, watching shows and performances can make it to your list of Things You Can Do in Jakarta beside eating and shopping.

Come visit Jakarta, join our Jakarta Walking Tour, and we will be glad to help you recommend Things You Can Do in Jakarta, explore more places and enjoy more interesting experiences in Jakarta. See you around!