A Glance of a Significant Historical Place, “Kali Besar”, to Visit Alongside Your Walking Tour in Jakarta

A Historical Place That Holds Importance Aside Museums to Visit Alongside the Jakarta Old Town

To learn about the history of Jakarta, you can visit museums, old buildings, or a square in the Jakarta Old Town area. Fatahillah Square and Jakarta History Museum for example. However, there is also one place that holds a big importance in Jakarta History, which is the iconic big canal or called Kali Besar.

A Brief History of Kali Besar, Once A Canal That Holds a Big Importance for the Old Batavia in the Past

The Kali Besar, or in Dutch was called de Groote Rivier, was once a stream of Ciliwung River that had been straightened around the year of 1631-1632. In the early days Batavia in the 17th Century, ships usually sailed along a canal to Kali Besar. But with the change of the land and structures and ships are getting bigger, only smaller ships can anchor alongside the canal. It became a place to drop goods from smaller ships that carry them from bigger ships in Sunda Kelapa Harbor.

Trace the Change from the Past to the Future of Jakarta from Kali Besar as A Part of Jakarta Old Town

In the Dutch colonial era, the Kali Besar was the center of commerce in the Old Batavia, and it became an elite area and there are many European big buildings that was build around it. However, the situation changed drastically due to an epidemic in the 1900s. The Kali Besar is no longer the center of economy as many people move to other prospective areas. Now in the present, the Kali Besar and the buildings around it have become a tourist attraction. Some of them are the Diamond City Bridge, Mercure Hotel, and The Red Store that now also functions as a restaurant.

See The Iconic Place with Your Own Eye as a Part of Your Walking Tour in Jakarta Old Town Area

To know more about the iconic Kali Besar, come to Jakarta, and join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to explore Jakarta history, culture, and delicacies as we stroll around the iconic places of Jakarta. See you around!

Learn the Culture of Jakarta by Visiting the Fine Arts and Ceramic Museum at Jakarta Old Town as a Part of Walking Tour

Learn About the History and Culture of Old Batavia by Visiting Museums on Your Walking Tour in Jakarta

The perfect place to learn and explore about the history of Jakarta is by visiting the popular landmark, Jakarta Old Town. You can find many historical buildings, statues, rivers, or even a water fountain that was and has been operating in Old Batavia since the colonial era. In this modern era, most of the buildings have changed their functions. Some of them are governmental buildings that have been transformed into museums, such as the Fatahillah Museum, Wayang Museum, and Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramic.

A Brief History of Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics That Once was a Court of Justice in the Old Batavia Era

According to the Jakarta Cultural Department website, the building of the museum was built in 1866 and completed in 1870. It was designed by an architect named Jhe W.H.F.H. Van Raders, in a neoclassical style. At the beginning of the establishment, this building was functioned as a Court of Justice (Raad Van Justitie). Since then, the building has been changing functions through the colonial era until post-colonial era. It has been began to function as a Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics in the early 1990s.

Explore the Museums of Fine Arts in the Modern Era of Jakarta Old Town During Your Tour in Jakarta

Like many other museums in Jakarta, the Museum opens almost every day except Mondays, from 9 AM to 3 PM. The entrance fee is relatively affordable for local citizens, IDR 5000 per persons for adult. The museum displays collections of Indonesian artists from 1800s until now. The painting collection is divided based on their era, meanwhile the fine arts collection displays statues like Asmat totem, ceramics, etc. Aside from that, there are also collections from a few of areas in Indonesia and abroad like China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, and Europe.

Find More Things to See Aside from Museums to Learn About Jakarta History and Culture in Jakarta Old Batavia Tour

Aside from Museums, there are also more things to find to learn about Jakarta history and culture at Jakarta Old Town. Come visit Jakarta and join our Jakarta Walking Tour to explore together while strolling in the bustling city. See you around!

Reminisce the View of Old Batavia by the Modern Fatahillah Square in Jakarta Old Town

Learning Jakarta History in Fatahillah Square as You Take a Stroll as a Part of Jakarta Walking Tour

One of the most iconic landmarks in Jakarta to visit is the Jakarta Old Town Area, where the Jakarta History Museum or Museum Fatahillah established. The museums are the ones that you will often see in souvenirs, postcards, or stamps that represent the city. In front of the the museum, stretched out a town square. It is as popular and as iconic as the museum, since it is an inseparable part of the city hall from the Old Batavia era.

A Brief History of the Importance Past and Modern Fatahillah Square as An Iconic Part of Jakarta Old Town

The first city hall of Batavia was built in 1620, and like many other European style structures, the city hall included a square, called Stadhuisplain, which is the Fatahillah Square in modern era. According to a painting, there was a water fountain at the center of the square that functioned as a water source for the citizens. It is believed that the water from the fountain was from Pancoran Glodok. The fountain went missing in the 19th Century but was later found in 1972 by excavating the area. Pipes that connect the water fountain to the source were also found. With that source of evidence, the water fountain was rebuilt according to the painting and in 1973, the square was renamed as Fatahillah Square or Taman Fatahillah.

Things You Can See and Do in Fatahillah Square as A Part of Jakarta Old Town Area

In the modern era, Fatahillah Square has become a popular tourist attraction, not only among foreign tourists, but also locals. There are many activities to do at the square. Taking photos, playing with toys, riding bycicles, or snacking for example. Or you can choose to eat at one of the restaurants around it and see the square as you look through the windows. As so many people come especially on holidays or weekends, there are also many street vendors. The square is mostly open to visit every day except when there is a particular event, but museums around it will be closed every Monday.

Explore More Interesting Things by Yourself by Visiting the Jakarta Old Town Area as a Part of Walking Tour in Jakarta

To find more of what to see and do at Fatahillah Square while learning about Jakarta History, come visit the place by yourself. Join us on our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour during your stay in the city. We will take you to explore the history, culture, and more of the city. See you around!

Explore the History of Old Batavia, From the Most Iconic Jakarta Landmark, Fatahillah Museum – Part 2

jakarta old batavia tour

A Brief Introduction Fatahillah Museum, the Most Iconic Historical Building of the Jakarta Old Town

If you are circling around the Jakarta Old Town Square and find a wide building with many windows, facing right at the square, then it is most certain that the building is Fatahillah Museum, or in another name, Jakarta History Museum. It is one of the oldest historical buildings in the city as it has witnessed almost every different era of Old Batavia and now Jakarta.

How to Reach Fatahillah Museum as A Part of Your Walking Tour in Jakarta Old Town

To reach the museum, the easiest way is by riding a commuter line train to the Jakarta Kota station. The train fee depends on from where you depart, but it is still relatively cheap. You can also go by Transjakarta Bus. Once you descend from the train, you just need to walk around five minutes to reach the Fatahillah Museum and due to the iconic building design, that stands out from other buildings in the same area, it will be relatively easy to find. The museum opens almost every day except every Monday, from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Take a Glance of What is Inside the Museum that Store Items, Stories, and More of the Old Batavia

Inside the Museum, you can learn about the history of Jakarta from its collection. It stores a wide variety of collections from the replica of Tarumanegara and Padjajaran kingdom, antique furniture from the 17th and 19th Century with a mix of European, Chinese, and Indonesian style. There are also ceramics, pottery and inscriptions stones that tells the history of Indonesia, mainly Jakarta.

More Things to See Around the Fatahillah Museum to Explore More of the History of Old Batavia with Jakarta Walking Tour

Aside from the museum, there is still more to see and do around the Jakarta Old Town square or nearby area to learn about the Jakarta people, history, and culture. Come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Old Batavia Tour. Explore modern Jakarta with a fun and insightful Walking Tour to widen your knowledge about Jakarta. See you around!

Explore the History of Old Batavia, From the Most Iconic Jakarta Landmark, Fatahillah Museum – Part 1

Museum Fatahillah, an Iconic Place That Become an Everlasting Witness of the Old Batavia and the Modern Jakarta

One of the most iconic places to visit for learning about the history of a place is a museum, as does with Jakarta. With the characteristically designed building that represents the era of Dutch colonialism, it has become a most popular landmark that has been the icon of the Jakarta Old Town Area.

An In-Depth History of a City Hall That Has Been Standing in the Heart of Old Batavia from Colonial Era through the Nation’s Independence

The building was first built by order of Batavia’s governor, Jan Pieterszoon Coen in the year 1626. After undergoing renovation for a few times, it was inaugurated by Governor General Abraham van Riebeeck in 1710 and functioned as the central government of Dutch East Indies (VOC). From there on, the building has been a city hall that served for as long two centuries. The building, while it is functioning as a city hall, contained a main prison and another prison under the main building. The main prison is used to imprison prisoners that can afford to pay for their cells. While the underground prison for prisoners from more unfortunate backgrounds. With too little to almost no air to breath, and minimum light, many people died due to cholera, typhus, and lack of oxygen.

The Transition of Function of a City Hall to Become a Most Iconic Museum in the Jakarta Old Town Area

This building has been through many changes and serve different functioned through different eras and years, until it finally inaugurated as a cultural heritage after the Indonesian independence in the year of 1974. Not long after, the building officially became a museum called “Museum Sejarah Jakarta (Jakarta History Museum)” or also known by the locals as “Museum Fatahillah”, using the name of the founder of Jayakarta.

Find More Things You Can See in Jakarta Old Town to Learn the History of Jakarta by Walking Tour

It is best to walk around the Jakarta Old Town complex since the parking area is limited and you can explore and find more things that can only be found by walking. Come to Jakarta to see for yourself and join us on Jakarta Old Batavia Tour to find out. If you want to know more about the museum, let’s meet at the next part. See you around!

A Gems Center to Explore in Jakarta Local Markets Tour

jakarta gemstones market

An Iconic Gemstones Market to Find on Walking Tour in Jakarta

As a while ago gemstones became a trend that are vastly spread around Indonesia, Indonesians flocks to hunts gemstones in markets and shops around Indonesia, Jakarta no exception. There was even a dedicated market for gemstones vendors to sell their product in the market, it is the Jakarta Gems Center in the East Jakarta area, at Rawa Bening traditional Market.

A Variety of Gemstones to Choose from on Local Markets Tour in Jakarta

Gemstones became a huge trend back in the year of 2015, mostly among men. Some said that this phenomenon is caused by TV-shows, as a status symbol, or due to “fear of missing out” mentality. So, many people are eager to have at least one gemstone accessory that they can flaunt. As gemstones came in a wide variety of types and colors, there are many options to choose from the affordable to insanely expensive prices, as you can see in the picture here [insert picture here].

With a culture that mystical believe is a common thing in Indonesia, some people even believe that some gemstones have some “guard”, so they will benefit from something by wearing them. So, it is not a rare sight to see adult men or women wear colorful and varieties of sizes of gemstone accessories as rings or necklace.

 A Now Struggling Gemstones Market to Observe on Local Markets Tour in Jakarta

As time goes by, the trend fades slowly. This is due to many factors such as pandemics and economical situations, less and less people come to buy gemstones. Many vendors have left the Jakarta Gems Center, and only a few vendors remain.

Explore Deeper the Gemstones Market with Jakarta Walking Tour

If you are an avid unique accessories collector, then visiting the gemstones market will be a good choice for you. Come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to experience the life of locals while shopping in the Jakarta local markets. See you around!

Things You Can See in Jakarta Local Markets Tour in Jakarta – Part 2

Peeking The Inside of Local Markets on Walking Tour in Jakarta

We previously mentioned gemstones, accessories, and toys to find inside Jakarta local markets. Along with those, there are also fresh products like vegetables, fruits, snacks, flowers and even pets. For some of these products, exist a dedicated market for a certain product in some locations in Jakarta. For example, if you want to find a group of wedding souvenirs, you can look around in Asemka or Jatinegara. While for toys, in Pasar Gembrong. And for flowers, in Pasar Rawa Belong.

Variety of Fresh Product to Find on Local Markets Tour in Jakarta

Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, carrots, long beans, and many more are easy to find in the traditional market of Jakarta. So do fruits; in this tropical country, you can easily find a variety of fruits that is in season. While bananas are available almost anywhere and whenever around the country, and some fruits like mangoes, snake fruits, avocadoes, and rambutan are available in particular seasons.

Fresh flowers can also be found easily in various market as giving flowers for a special occasions like weddings, graduations, and birthdays are a common practice. So does bringing flowers to funerals. The dedicated market for flowers is in Rawa Belong market, the West Part of Jakarta, where you can find a variety of local flowers.

Unique Animals and Pets to See on Local Markets Tour in Jakarta

Other than vegetables and fruits, you can also find animals that are sold to breed or to become house pets. There are ornamental fishes like goldfish or flowerhorn chiclids, poultry, cats, dogs, rabbits, even reptiles and turtles. However, the sad part of this practice is some of the animals are sold illegally and unethically, cause some of them are even endangered animals. So, if you decide to shop, please carefully consider the risks and effects.

Explore Jakarta Local Markets Deeper with Jakarta Walking Tour

To experience shopping inside local markets firsthand, come visit Jakarta and join our Jakarta Walking Tour. See and find authentic and unique things while we stroll around the busy market with lots of products and vendors. See you around!

Things You Can See in Jakarta Local Markets Tour – Part 1

Exploring Local Markets on Walking Tour in Jakarta

You can find landmarks, historical iconic buildings, and museums during your visit in Jakarta. However, if you want to explore more of the daily life of Jakarta, try visiting a different one, a local market for example. Of course there are also traditional markets everywhere around the world, but there are so many different things that you can find in respective areas.

Things You Can Find on Jakarta Local Markets While Joining Jakarta Walking Tour

Not much different from many other traditional markets around the globe, you can find many things in the market such as fresh products, appliances, fashion items, and accessories, but you might find something that you can rarely find anywhere beside Jakarta. One of them is a gemstones market.

A Gemstones Market to Visit on Jakarta Local Markets Tour

As gemstones became a trend a while ago in Indonesia, people, mostly men, tending to decorate their hands with colorful gemstones rings. Therefore, a traditional market to meet the demand for gemstones was built. One of them is Jakarta Gems Center in East Jakarta area. There are many vendors that offer various kinds of gemstones, in various colors and sizes.

Other Local Markets to Visit During Jakarta Walking Tour

Aside from the gemstones market, there are many other markets that are also worth visiting throughout Jakarta. You can also find markets for wedding souvenirs, accessories like pins, hair bands, necklaces, and bracelets, and markets that sell children’s toys. This kind of local market usually offers an abundance of choice at a more affordable price than stores in malls.

Come to visit us and join us in Jakarta Walking Tour if you want to know more about traditional markets of Jakarta. We will take you to see what you can find in the depth of Jakarta’s traditional markets. See you around!

Kapal Pinisi, A Ship to Sail Through The Maritime History on Walking Tour in Jakarta

Learning About Indonesian Maritime History With Kapal Pinisi on Walking Tour in Jakarta

Since Indonesia is a maritime country, transportation and distribution using ships via ocean is a common practice. Full of the maritime history, there is even a children’s song that mentioned that Indonesian’s ancestor are sailors. One of the physical pieces of evidence of this statement is the existence of Pinisi Schooner that can also be seen to this present day.

Find More History and Knowledge About Pinisi Schooners While Joining Tour in Jakarta

Pinisi is literally means type of rigging of Indonesian sailing vessels. It uses seven to eight sails and two main masts on the front and rear part of the ship. This characteristic makes the Pinisi stand out in the vast ocean. The origin of this type of ship came from Bugis, Kojo, and Mandar ethnicity in South Sulawesi. In general, there are four types of wood that are used to build the ship, which are ironwood, bitti wood, punaga wood, and teak wood.

Follow The Trace of Indonesian Maritime History While Observing the Pinisi Schooner with Jakarta Walking Tour

You might find and see one of these legendary ships while visiting the Sunda Kelapa Harbor, as it is still used as a distribution mode from Jakarta to and from other cities and islands. Due to its sturdy body and good balance, it will remain steady to sail through big waves.

Many of the ships docks in the Sunda Kelapa harbor as the harbor is already famous since the fifth century and so many merchants from foreign countries such as China, Arabia, India, England, and Dutch come to Indonesia and docked to the harbor to trade. In the present day, the ships that are docking on the Sunda Kelapa harbor is used for transporting many kinds of items such as building materials, household appliances, and basic needs throughout Indonesia.

Explore Further While Visiting the Harbor with Jakarta Walking Tour

If you want to witness the grand Pinisi Schooner with your own eyes, come to Jakarta and join the Jakarta Walking Tour package. We will stroll around and visit iconic places to learn more about the maritime history of Indonesia. And there is a lot more to explore from the city’s history, culture, and delicacies. See you around!

Replenish Your Energy to Walk for Tour in Jakarta in the Café Batavia

Discover A Historical Building That is Functioned as A Café on Walking Tour in Jakarta

From many of the historical aspects that you can find of historical buildings in the Jakarta Old Town complex, Café Batavia is one of them. It has a high historical value since it was built mostly in the colonial era. It was relatively easy to find according to the location and authentic interior.

A Brief History of The Iconic Café That You Can Find While Walking Tour in Jakarta

This building was the second oldest building inside the Jakarta Old Town complex after the Fatahillah Museum. It was constructed around the 1830s. It was previously used as a place where Dutch officials reside and stayed. Later in the year 1990, the building was purchased by Graham James, and since 1993, it has been functioning as a restaurant.

An Iconic Combination of Modern and Old to See on Walking Tour in Jakarta

This café is strategically easy to access and find, as it quite stands out with the many wide windows and green canopy with “Café Batavia” inscribed on it. You can peek a little inside of the interior from the outside. This café preserves the interior style from the colonial era, adding a nice antique ambience.

Delicious Combination of Delicacies to Taste on Your Walking Tour in Jakarta

This café offers a wide range of menu options. From traditional local food and Indo-Dutch cuisines are available there. You can go for nasi goreng, lontong medan, gado-gado, or sate ayam if you crave a local taste. Meanwhile, if you want something that has a touch of Dutch influence, they also offer bitterballen, erwtensoup, or nasi campur meeneer instead. They also offer a variety of traditional drinks, coffee, and tea. However, it is known that the menu will be changed from time to time.

Since the renovations, the restaurants have been standing for 30 years and have considered to be inaugurated as an official cultural heritage of Jakarta. If you are curious to find out more about this café, come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Walking Tour to stroll around and find them. See you around!