Make Sure to Try Soto Mie Bogor, The Most Popular Authentic Dish On Your Journey to Explore Bogor City in Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of the Soto Mie Bogor, An Authentic Dish of Bogor City That is Enjoyed by Many

Like every other regions in Indonesia and the parts of the world, they usually have an authentic dish that is well known. So does with Bogor City, which is popular with its Soto Mie Bogor. Since the soto mie is originally from Bogor, so usually vendors of soto mie, no matter where they exist in the country, would usually add “Bogor” on the name of their menu.

What is Different and Special About the Soto Mie Bogor Between Other Soto and Soup Dishes to Try That You Might Also Find During Your Time on Bogor Walking Tour

“Soto” is a kind of soup dishes with broth in Indonesia. All over Indonesia, there are dozens variety of soto, and it is different on each areas. Based on the regions, some of them have clear broth, broth with coconut milk, milk, and many more. Particularly for Soto Mie Bogor, since the name contains “mie” which is noodle, it use yellow egg noodle as the main ingredient. Accompanied by vermicellis, beef slices, offals, rissoles, coleslaws, and tomatoes, it became a dish with a comforting flavor that is suitable to consume on rainy days. To know the difference of Soto Mie Bogor and other soto dishes in Indonesia, you can read in on this article:

When and Where Can You Find Soto Mie Bogor While Strolling Around the Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

This Bogor authentic dish is relatively easy to find in Jakarta, moreover from where it is originated, the Bogor City. One of the popular place to seek and find authentic Bogor dishes is on Surya Kencana Street, or the Chinatown of Bogor City. You can find a lot of Bogor authentic dishes and snacks, along with other Indonesian food from other areas. They usually will open from the morning to evening. It can be eaten as breakfast, lunch or dinner, whenever you like it.

Walk More and Try More Delicacies Along the Street of Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

If you consider yourself a foodie, try as many food and snacks on the city while you are visiting. If you don’t know where to go and to start, join us on Bogor Walking Tour. We will take you to a new and exciting places and attraction to explore them together. Whether learning about history, culture, and try authentic food and snacks, we can try it together. See you around!

Explore Bogor Cuisine as You Pass by Surya Kencana Street on Bogor Walking Tour

A Short Introduction to the Centre of Bogor Cuisine as a Stop That You Mustn’t Miss During Your Visit in Bogor City

After walking around inside the big area of Bogor Botanical Gardens, you might feel tired and hungry. Therefore, that is the perfect time to search for tasty food, and there is one place that offer many alternatives for it, which is the Surya Kencana Street, where stalls and vendors are selling various kinds of Bogor signature dishes and other Indonesian food. It is basically a Chinatown area in Bogor that was built in the colonial era.

Learn About the History of Surya Kencana as You Stroll Around by Walking on Bogor Walking Tour

The Surya Kencana Street was built by the order of Governor General Daendels in 1808 with a different name, Post Weg or “Jalan Pos”. After some circumstances in Indonesia history, the Chinese descendants live and relying on their livelihood by trading, thus it became known as a Chinatown. And in the year 1970, the street name changed to “Jalan Surya Kencana”.

What Can You Find and See While Passing by Along the Route of Surya Kencana Street on Bogor Walking Tour

It is known for a place to search for culinary experience as you can find a few of Bogor signature dish there, such as Soto Mie, Soto Kuning, Lhaksa, Asinan, and many more. However, you can also find historical buildings to visit such as the Dhanagun Temple. You can taste a mix of Indonesian and “peranakan” cuisine from the signature food of Bogor City that is made by tropical ingredients and seasoned with spices that are rich in flavor and aroma. On weekends Jakarta citizens often come by for leisure and search for Bogor delicacies.

Explore and Find More New Things of Bogor City with Joining a Bogor Walking Tour with Us

If you ever had a chance to visit Jakarta and you want something different, try to visit the neighboring city, Bogor, and join us on Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore and learn about the city’s history, culture and cuisine together. See you around!

Taste a Unique Combination of Flavor Inside Fried Bean Sprout, A Signature Traditional Dish of Bogor City on Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Bogor Traditional Dish That You Might Find While Strolling Around on Bogor Walking Tour

Aside from exploring Bogor Botanical Gardens, the Bogor City also has something else to offer, which are their signature dishes. We have mentioned on other articles that the city had “soto” dishes like Soto Kuning and Soto Mie, and now we want to introduce other type of signature dish of the city, Fried Bean Sprout, or also known as “Tauge Goreng”.

Find A Unique Combination of Tauge Goreng Flavor as The Bogor Signature Dish That You Can Find in Bogor City

As the name suggests, Fried Bean Sprout main ingrendient is bean sprouts. Other than bean sprouts, it is also made from yellow noodles, slices of tofu, and rice cake, served with oncom, a type of fermented food base sauce. What is differentiate it from the other fried food is, meanwhile the name is “fried” bean sprout, but the bean sprouts are fried using a small amount of water, instead of cooking oil. It is safe to say that this is a relatively healthy vegetarian food. You can find a savory and spicy flavor from the ingredients of the sauce.

Where You Could Find Fried Bean Sprouts As You Walk Around the City of Bogor on Bogor Walking Tour

Fried Bean Sprout dish is a relatively easy to find in the Bogor city as it is a popular street food, so, you might find one of the vendor on the side of the street. However, the locals are more familiar on what area and what time they are usually open. They usually carry around what they sell with a carrying pole or gerobak and stopped when people calls them to buy their food.

Find and Explore Other Delicious Treat And See More Things by Walking on Bogor Walking Tour

Aside from tasting signature dishes, you can also explore the nature of Bogor in Botanical Gardens, learning history from the historical buildings, or taking photographs as a memento of your trip in Bogor City. If you are curious, come to Bogor and join our Bogor Walking Tour. Let’s explore what the city has to offer together. See you around!

Find and Taste a Unique Corn Dish, Grilled Corn Pickle or “Asinan Jagung Bakar” on the Street of Bogor City While Walking Around with Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Grilled Corn Pickle That is Loved by Many in Bogor City That You Can Find While Joining Bogor Walking Tour

The grilled corn pickle is called “Asinan Jagung Bakar” in Indonesian, especially in Bogor City. Different from the “Asinan Bogor” that we mention in different article, this pickled dish mainly use corn as its main ingredient. It said that this dish was created by a Bogor citizen named Mr. Sabur, that made a homemade vinegar to make the pickled soup. The dish became popular, and his descendant continued to sell Asinan Jagung Bakar until this present day.

Find Out What Is Inside the Refreshing Grilled Corn Pickle That Completed the Rich Flavor of Authentic Bogor City Cuisine

Aside from grilled corn, you can also find slices of cucumber in the dish. The process is started by grilling corn, and then the corn will be shelled and poured into a bowl, cucumber slices will be added, and the homemade vinegar will be poured last. The flavor is a combination of sweet, salty, sour, and spicy from the salt, sugar, and red chili as the seasoning.

Stroll Around on Suryakencana Street in Bogor City to Find Grilled Corn Pickle and Other Authentic Dishes in the Area with Bogor Walking Tour

You can find the Grilled Corn Pickle and other authentic Bogor or other Indonesian cuisines along the Suryakencana Street in Bogor City, where you can find many food vendors that sell various kinds of Indonesian food. It is a popular place for local tourists to hunt delicacies, especially on weekends.

Find Other Attraction Beside Cuisine on Bogor City by Walking Around with Bogor Walking Tour

There are many things to find and explore besides food in Bogor City. You can find out for yourself by coming to Bogor and joining us on the Bogor Walking Tour. We will learn about the culture, history, cuisine and more about the city together. See you around!

Taste a Unique Combination of Flavors from Bogor City’s Authentic Cuisine, Asinan Bogor Amid Bogor Walking Tour to Replenish Your Energy

A Brief Introduction to “Asinan Bogor” as A Fulfilling Snack After Walking for a While on Bogor Walking Tour

In Indonesia, there are countless variety of food and snacks exist. One of them is a kind of snack that can also count as a full meal as it is quite fulfilling, and “Asinan Bogor” is an example of those kinds. The word “asinan” came from the salted food and the salty favor stands out more from other flavors in the dish. Asinan itself would be different from area to other. For example, asinan from Jakarta is made from a variety of vegetables and completed with a peanut sauce, meanwhile in Bogor, asinan is made from a variety of fruits with different kind of solution.

What Flavor That You Can Find in Asinan Bogor as the Authentic Bogor City’s Cuisine to Try Amid Bogor Walking Tour

Asinan Bogor is made from a few kinds of preserved fruits that have a firm texture like raw mango, papaya, water apple, April plum, jicama, and pineapple. Meanwhile, the rich flavor come from its solution that is made from salt, vinegar, and chili sauce. So aside from salty flavor, you can also taste the sweet, sour, and spicy flavor. However, you might need to consider before trying it if you have allergies as it is usually sprinkled with peanuts.

The Best Time to Enjoy the Asinan Bogor as While Exploring Bogor City by Walking Around

As it is a bit sour and spicy, maybe it will be best if you try it after you have eaten something else for some time before eating it to prevent stomachache. And as the saying goes “fighting heat with heat”, it is best to eat in hot weather so you can sweat as you eat it and cool down after. Besides that, the fruits are a good combination as they are contain a lot of liquid, so it could also be refreshing for your taste.

Don’t Miss a Chance to Find Asinan Bogor While Strolling Around with Bogor Walking Tour

If you are up for a challenge to try something new and refreshing, you can try to find the Asinan Bogor yourself by coming to Bogor and join a Bogor Walking Tour with us. We can learn about the history, culture, and cuisine of Bogor City together. See you around!

“Laksa Bogor”, A Tasty Combination of Ingredients and Spices to Try Along the Way of Bogor Walking Tour in Bogor City

Things to Know About Laksa Bogor, A Bogor Delicacy to Try on Your Way While Strolling Around in Bogor City

Laksa is one from the many soups dish in Asia, including Indonesia. There are a few theories about the name of “laksha”, either it is from Chinese, Javanese inscription, or Sanskrit. However, it is widely known that the dish has been brought by “peranakan” or Chinese descendants that is influenced by local food. So does in Bogor, what makes it different from laksa in other areas or regions are the type of ingredients that are used to make the dish.

Find the Special Ingredients in Laksa Bogor as Authentic Cuisine to Find on Bogor Walking Tour

In general, laksa is a soup dish that uses vermicelli, but in Indonesia, it is quite common to find laksa that is using ketupat, or rice cake that is made with a coconut leaf mold in a shape of a diamond. For the broth, it is made from coconut milk, combined with a variety of spices like turmeric, coriander, garlic, ginger, and more. What differentiates Laksa Bogor from other types of laksa around the regions is red oncom. Oncom is a kind of fermented food that is made from tofu dregs. Since the color is red, thus the name is “red oncom”.

Where to Find Laksa Bogor in While Walking Around in Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

In Bogor City, there are an area that is known as a center where you can find delicious Bogor and other Indonesian cuisines, which is Suryakencana Street. You can find various kinds of dishes and snacks along the street, especially on weekends. Of course, you can also find other Bogor cuisine, like Soto Mie, Soto Kuning, etc. in other areas around Bogor city beside the particular place.

Find More Things to Explore and More Cuisines to Try in Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

If you are curious about what Bogor City has to offer, come to Bogor and join us on the Bogor Walking Tour. We will learn and explore about the city’s history, culture, and cuisines together. See you around!

Enjoy the Richness of Indonesian Spices in “Soto Kuning”, One of the Authentic Bogor Cuisines to Try In-Between the Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Soto Kuning as a Bogor Cuisine That You Can Try as You Pass by on the Streets of Bogor in Bogor Walking Tour

Soto is one of the popular Indonesian cuisines that you can find easily in various areas around Indonesia. It is basically a soup dish that contains many versions of broth. It can be clear chicken broth, milk broth, coconut milk broth, and more. According to its ingredients, the color of the broth might be different in certain areas in Indonesia. So does in Bogor, it is known to have “Soto Kuning”, or literally means Yellow Soto due to its broth color.

What Makes Soto Kuning Different Beside Other Cuisines That You Can Find on the Streets of Bogor City

The Soto Kuning usually uses beef and offal as its main ingredients. The broth is made from coconut milk that is combined with other ingredients such as turmeric and other Indonesian spices so the color will turn yellow. It has a rich savory taste with a quite strong aroma of spices. Indonesians will usually eat it with rice as a full meal either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Where and When Can You Find Soto Kuning in Bogor City as You Walk Around the Streets of Bogor as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour

One of the easy ways to find Soto Kuning is by visiting Suryakencana Street, a street of Bogor City where many vendors sell various kinds of cuisines and snacks. It is usually full of Bogor local citizens or Jakartans who visit Bogor in weekends on their holidays. Moreover, it is better to find authentic Soto Kuning from its origins. You might find Soto Kuning in other areas around Indonesia like Jakarta for example, but the taste can differ based on what ingredients are available at the particular area.

Find and Enjoy Different Kinds of Cuisines in Bogor City Together with Us on Bogor Walking Tour

Alongside Soto Kuning, there are more cuisines and snacks to explore in Bogor City. If you are curious, come to Bogor, and join us on the Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore the history, culture, and cuisine of the city together. See you around!