Make Sure to Try Soto Mie Bogor, The Most Popular Authentic Dish On Your Journey to Explore Bogor City in Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of the Soto Mie Bogor, An Authentic Dish of Bogor City That is Enjoyed by Many

Like every other regions in Indonesia and the parts of the world, they usually have an authentic dish that is well known. So does with Bogor City, which is popular with its Soto Mie Bogor. Since the soto mie is originally from Bogor, so usually vendors of soto mie, no matter where they exist in the country, would usually add “Bogor” on the name of their menu.

What is Different and Special About the Soto Mie Bogor Between Other Soto and Soup Dishes to Try That You Might Also Find During Your Time on Bogor Walking Tour

“Soto” is a kind of soup dishes with broth in Indonesia. All over Indonesia, there are dozens variety of soto, and it is different on each areas. Based on the regions, some of them have clear broth, broth with coconut milk, milk, and many more. Particularly for Soto Mie Bogor, since the name contains “mie” which is noodle, it use yellow egg noodle as the main ingredient. Accompanied by vermicellis, beef slices, offals, rissoles, coleslaws, and tomatoes, it became a dish with a comforting flavor that is suitable to consume on rainy days. To know the difference of Soto Mie Bogor and other soto dishes in Indonesia, you can read in on this article:

When and Where Can You Find Soto Mie Bogor While Strolling Around the Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

This Bogor authentic dish is relatively easy to find in Jakarta, moreover from where it is originated, the Bogor City. One of the popular place to seek and find authentic Bogor dishes is on Surya Kencana Street, or the Chinatown of Bogor City. You can find a lot of Bogor authentic dishes and snacks, along with other Indonesian food from other areas. They usually will open from the morning to evening. It can be eaten as breakfast, lunch or dinner, whenever you like it.

Walk More and Try More Delicacies Along the Street of Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

If you consider yourself a foodie, try as many food and snacks on the city while you are visiting. If you don’t know where to go and to start, join us on Bogor Walking Tour. We will take you to a new and exciting places and attraction to explore them together. Whether learning about history, culture, and try authentic food and snacks, we can try it together. See you around!