Explore Unique Things in Glodok Chinatown Wet Market That You Won’t Find in Any Ordinary Place in Jakarta

A Brief Introduction of Glodok Chinatown Wet Market to Visit During Walking Tour in Jakarta

Glodok is known as a Chinatown area in a part of Jakarta. This is where most of the Chinese community live and run their business. There are traditional markets, restaurants, stores, malls, trade centre, temples, etc. Like any other traditional market, the market in the Glodok area sells daily products such as vegetables, meats, poultry, and fruits. However, what is unique about this place is they also sell something that cannot be found in any ordinary market around Jakarta.

Unique Things That You Can Find While Strolling Around in Glodok Chinatown Wet Market

If you visit the Glodok Chinatown market, you might find some unfamiliar sights as some vendors some unusual products that are not sold by other merchant in Jakarta, such as sea cucumber, softshell turtle, and pigs. They are sold to be consumed as a cuisine or for medicinal purposes.

Other Things to Find in Glodok Chinatown Wet Market as A Part of Jakarta Walking Tour

Aside unique things in Glodok Chinatown wet market, you can also find and try various kinds of snacks and fusion cuisine. As Indonesia are inhabited by settlers from around the world, you can find various type of food which are combinations of diverse cultures. A wide variety of snacks that you can find in a market is called “jajanan pasar” or market snacks. You can taste various tastes and various fillings of market snacks, from sweet, salty, and spicy.

Explore the Glodok Chinatown Market Together and Find Interesting Together with Jakarta Walking Tour

If you are curious about the Glodok Chinatown market or its history and culture, come to Jakarta and join our Jakarta Chinatown Tour. We will explore a place which holds a valuable history as a part to shape the modern Jakarta. See you around!


An unique musical instrument from West Java, the angklung is made up of two to four bamboo tubes suspended vertically on a bamboo frame. The lower part of the tubes us unattached, enabling them to produce sound were shaken. Each piece of angklung is made using bamboo of a particular diameter, corresponding to the different chords its intended to produce. Therefore, the smaller the angklung, the higher note it produces.

To play the angklung, the left hand lightly holds the upper left edge of the frame while the right hand shakes the lower right edge of the instrument. The angklung can be played in an ensemble of 15 players with 15 pieces of angklung or in combination with other musical instruments. Watch wonderful angklung group play on Bandung bamboo musical instruments workshop below:

However, you could also play it solo. Couple weeks ago, we saw street musician who play angklung in a very comfy way – sit on the low chair, cross the leg, and effortless play this instrument: 

The angklung’s present day diatonic chromatic scale, developed in 1938 by Daeng Sutigna of Kuningan, West Java, enables players to broaden their repertoire and go beyond traditional songs. The exotic sound of the angklung has attracted many contemporary Western musicians to incorporate the humble angklung into their ensembles.

Source                  : “The Ultimate Destination of INDONESIA”
Copyright            : Indonesia Culture and Tourism Ministry (2011)
Disclaimer click here  
Featured image credit: www.tempo.co      

Do you want to experience angklung group orchestra just like people on the video? Read more about Bandung tour tips and trick here or drop us message here


Bandung Tour: Tips and Trick

bandung tour tips and trick 2

If you stay long enough in Jakarta, you know where to hangot when weekend comes. Yes, Bandung. Jakarta’s sister city where 3 hours driving (one way) seems worth a visit. So here I am writing about tips you might need when visiting Bandung.

My first tips about Bandung tour: you need to stay one night.

Why you need spend one night in Bandung?

Reason: One Day in Bandung is not enough. Three hours driving from Jakarta to Bandung, then another three hours from Bandung to Jakarta. You already lost half day on the road. With business/executive/economy class train you also need three hours (one single trip) since Bandung – Jakarta railway took farther route. Half day tour in Bandung is not enough since you will face traffic jam in popular hangout place or street in Bandung. Now you know why. 

Second tips for Bandung tour: Do slow walking around city center

In Bandung, there is a lot of public space, parks, bench all over sidewalks. If you explore Bandung by foot, you will feel the city vibe through people around you. Next question, where is the city center of Bandung? From time to time, city center will move from one place to another place. It should be around city government offices area but I strongly recommend you to take a walk around Braga street, Merdeka street, Asia Afrika street. These are the oldest streets that Bandung city ever built. You will found vintage building, coffee shops, street artist, oldest local markets, biggest mosque, green parks, and people do hangout around these streets. It is fun and free.
[singlepic id=153 w= h= float=center] Four hours walking tour around should be enough in city center. After take a short walk in the middle of the city, then you can move to another cool places such us Cihampelas Street, Riau Street or do a culinary trail in Bandung. Cihampelas if you want to see their local mall and pedestrian walk over your head. Yes, Bandung built pedestrian walk on the top in Cihampelas Street. Riau Street if you like shopping. Foods, snacks, and clothes. Riau street is a factory outlet street, IMHO.

[singlepic id=151 w= h= float=center]

Third tips about Bandung Tour: Go to Lembang

Nah, now you still have one full day in Bandung. It’s time to go neighborhood area with car. My third recommendation is all about Lembang. Lembang is still part of Bandung city, but you need 2 hours driving from city center to go Lembang. You will found Tangkuban Perahu (old crater), pine tree forest, tea plantation (Walini local tea, how to produce and see the plantation by your own eyes), and everything about nature. Nice weather, less pollution, less people if you come on weekday haha.
[singlepic id=154 w= h= float=center] After taste Lembang with its relaxing nature then you can go back to Jakarta. Back to work (oh, no!) in the same day. If you need assistance about Bandung tour with arrangement from Jakarta, I could help. Just simply drop message here: tahu@jakartawalkingtour.com. Let me know your Bandung tour wishes. Yeah, Jakarta Walking Tour is not only about Jakarta. We reach new city this year: Yogyakarta, Bandung, Bukittinggi, Padang, and cities around West Sumatra. We enjoy walking everywhere, like you! 😀

The Magnificent Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta

As a country with a majority of Moslem population, it is no question that it is very easy to find their place to worship, mosque. If you are in Jakarta and want to visit mosque (yes, you can visit it, we are very welcoming you!), don’t just go to your nearest one, because you have a huge opportunity to visit one of the iconic mosques in Jakarta, Istiqlal.

History of Grand Mosque Istiqlal Jakarta

As the biggest mosque in Southeast Asia, this place attracts many locals and international visitors to come here. They come basically to pray together, which is known as “jamaah”, because for Moslems, it is believed that prayers or “shalat” will bring more merit if is done together. Aside from praying or doing other worshipping rituals, this place also open to anyone who wants to look around.


Located in Jakarta, right in front of Cathedral Jakarta. The name “Istiqlal” itself is an Arabic word for “independence”, since the mosque was built to commemorate Indonesian independence. The design of this mosque is created by Friedrich Silaban, a Christian architect from North Sumatera, the winner of design competition for this mosque. The late former president of Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, also involved in this mosque’s planning and construction. This mosque was opened to public in 22th February 1978.

Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta

Friedrich Silaban

Istiqlal has seven entrances that was named after “Asmaul Husna”, the names of God in Islam and consists of two rectangular structures. The rectangular part of the building is covered by a 45 meter diameter central spherical dome and the number “45” itself symbolizes the 1945 Proclamation of Indonesian Independence. It also has a main dome that decorated with a stainless steel ornamental pinnacle in the form of crescent and a star.

Crescent and star symbol on the top of mosque dome

Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta

Most of the mosques in Indonesia have a dome on the top of the building, so does Istiqlal Mosque. But, besides that, in the center of the dome or somewhere in the highest place of mosques building, there are almost always a symbol in the form of crescent and a star. In the world, it is also known as a symbol of Islam. It is like a cross for Christian. Moslems often use this symbol to represent themselves as a Moslem. Why a crescent and a star? Actually there are some versions of this. One is from historical version, and the other is religious version. I will explain it from historical version first.

Two meaning of crescent and star symbol in Mosque

Historical aspect

It is said that the biggest and most successful civilization of Islam is the Ottoman dynasty that rules the heart of Europe, Constantinople and nearby areas. That time, the caliphate using a symbol of a crescent moon, which represent the position of three continents. On one end of the crescent moon, referred to Asian continent that located in the east, where the other end referring to African continent. For the center part of the moon, it is meant to symbolize Europe that actually from geographic aspect, is located between those continents. The star itself represents the capital city in Islam from those times, Istanbul.

Religious aspect

From the religious aspect, the crescent moon means a new moon, where Moslems acknowledged it as “hilal”. This hilal became a sign to determine when it is time for Eid Al-Fitr, the big day of Islam religion that celebrated after a full month of fasting in “Ramadhan”.

Fortunately, I had experience of doing Eid prayer or “Shalat Ied” in Istiqlal once. The building is so magnificent, full of people who come across Indonesia that especially come for Eid prayer in this biggest mosque of Southeast Asia. I can understand how big it is because actually I have to take a “wudhu” or ablution first before praying. Since it was the first time I come there, I almost get lost to find the place to do it, but luckily I found someone who is familiar with the building and show me how to get there. It was an unforgettable experience for me.

Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta

Bedug – a drum used to signal time for prayer – made from meranti wood from Borneo and cow skin

(pictures below)

So, if you are still curious about what kind of feeling would you have inside it, or what can you see in the mosque. Don’t have a second thought and just visit it. Are you from different religions that want to come and see? It’s fine. The caretaker will welcome your presence with open arms, but maybe you will have to put on some proper clothes that cover most of your body. But if you don’t have, the mosque will lend you a robe for both female and male visitors.

Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta

Robes for lend

As Cathedral Jakarta, where you could learn about Roman Catholic in Jakarta, you could also learn about Islam in Jakarta in Istiqlal. Both of these places will show you how to live with tolerance in this diverse country and bring peace to your heart. So, if you are in Jakarta, be sure to visit these places. You would not regret it. Find out more about how to visit Istiqlal Jakarta and Cathedral in one day here. Cheers!

Let’s Meet the Last Dinosaur (Komodo) in Jakarta

More than 170 malls open in Jakarta, Indonesia. Is it a sign that Jakartans really are shopaholics? Hmm..we don’t think so, because our city is not only about malls. We have a lot of museums, some public parks, and the only zoo. Then, let’s talk about the special zoo that we have in Jakarta. The zoo that has Komodos in the corner of South Jakarta, called Ragunan Zoo.


Source : ragunanzoo.jakarta.go.id

As a pioneer in Indonesia, Ragunan Zoo has more than 250 animal species, 3000 animal populations, and more than 30.000 trees that we can see, such as Komodo, Sumatran Tiger, Gorilla, Parrots, Orang Utan, White Eagle, Sambar Deer, Anoa, Lizard, and many more. The animals live in a small area that surrounded by iron fence, just for the sake of safety. We can visit them from spot to spot on this 140 hectare park. It is nice to walk around here because the old trees give you fresh air to breathe in. You can also rent a bike or ride a tourism-train which often called “odong-odong” in here, if you want to go faster, further.

When does Ragunan Zoo open?

Ragunan operates from Tuesday to Sunday (7am – 4pm), they open earlier at 6am – 4pm on Sunday. You can enter the zoo only for IDR 4k /person for adult and IDR 3k/person for children. Wow! Can you imagine? We can enjoy the zoo less than $1! And also Ragunan is very special for us.

What is so special about Ragunan Zoo?

As a local, Ragunan Zoo is a place to hang out with friends and family and became a part of our childhood memory. We saw elephant by our own eyes for the first time at Ragunan Zoo, we know that giraffe like carrots too, and understand that not only cats and dogs can be refferred as animals.

And for you as a traveler, like we’ve mentioned before, there is a spot for Komodo. It is a place to breathe fresh air, relax while you can see many trees and animals from tropical forest. You can also claim to the world that you already see ‘the last dinosaur’ in Jakarta. :p

See Komodo in Ragunan Zoo Jakarta -16

How to reach Ragunan Zoo?

You just need to prepare a small amount of money and take a Transjakarta bus ride (you can read about how to use Transjakarta here). Ragunan shelter is the last shelter on the 8th corridor of Transjakarta busway. If you plan to go there from Central Jakarta shelter, you need to get off in Bendungan Hilir shelter and transit to ride another two buses without any extra charge.

Jakarta Walking Tour

Or, as a second option, just go grab a taxi in your hotel lobby. :p

So, wanna play with komodo and see a lot of animal with your own eyes? Don’t miss Ragunan Zoo when you visit Jakarta. Lets find out how to visit Ragunan Zoo Jakarta with our customize tour here. See you around!

Credit photo header by www.ragunanzoo.jakarta.go.id

5 ‘Things You Will Found When Locals Celebrate Indonesia’s Independence Day

It is August and it is a special month for Indonesians. Why? Because August 17th is the independence day for Indonesia! People use to hang a national flag in front of their houses in this day. Suddenly, there are a lot of flag sellers in the street or offering flags or a pole to hang the flag.

Independence day, usually students in national school and public officer are required to attend a flag raising ceremony in the morning in schools or offices courtyard. And after the ceremony ends, they are free to go home to enjoy the national holiday.

Usually there are a lot of celebrations in independence day. There will be a lot of competition and fun games to participate. This series of competition is called “Agustus-an”. Usually it is held around the neigborhood or we call it “RT”. There will be a lot of competitions and you can get some gifts when you become a winner.

So, what kind of competitions you can join in? Here are a few of them:

1. Sack Race or “Balap Karung”

Balap karung is one of the most popular competition in Indonesia’s independence day, it is where you race with another person by running as fast as you can and become the first one who reach the finish line.

2. Climbing Slippery Pole or “Panjat Pinang”

Source : The Jakarta Post

Source : The Jakarta Post

There will be a pole with a lot of prizes in top of a pole, or in Indonesia we use a “pinang” tree, hence called “panjat pinang”. It is a competition where you compete with others to reach the top of the pole to get the prize that you want. The rule of the game is the fastest to reach the item, get to bring the item home.

3. Nightgown Soccer or “Sepakbola Daster”

This a sport that men likes and men will participate in this sport. But what makes it different from a usual soccer is that men who participate must dress in a nightgown. If you are a man and want to join, maybe you could borrow your wife’s nightgown or from your neighbor first.

4. Tug of War or “Tarik Tambang”

I think this competition is not new for many countries. It is where you compete in a team and pull each other with one thick rope until one of the team fall to the ground first. You need a lot of strength and if getting dirty in the mud is not a problem for you, then this game is for  you.

5. Eating Crackers or “Makan Kerupuk”

It is the perfect game for the one that is hungry. You can have fun while filling your stomach with crackers. You have to eat one full piece cracker that hangs over your head by some kind of rope. The fastest who finish eating will win the game. Even though it is not quite fullfilling, it will be enough to rise your appetite.

Source : kaskus[dot]co[dot]id

Source : kaskus[dot]co[dot]id

There are still a lot of other games or competitions, depends on the location that you lived in Indonesia. I guess there will be traffic jams and roadblocks too because of the games. So, instead of going to malls in national holiday, maybe you would rather join an “Agustus-an” game.

Jakarta Great Sale Festival 2015

If you are traveling for shopping purpose in Jakarta, June or July would be your best time to visit Jakarta. There are so many festivals that held around that in time in Jakarta to celebrate the birth of capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Jakarta Great Sale Festival is a festival whereas malls and shopping centers offer a great discount for their products, up to 70{9e84ad3adf7f6649419c3d34c511cc75d18ba3101b1ac61299241cdd2f2cd7ab}. For this year, this festival is held from 6th of June until 12th of July 2015 and will involving around 78 malls around Jakarta. Being a city that has hundreds of malls, Jakarta will be a perfect shopping destination.

Here are some malls that participate in the festival:

Central Jakarta Malls :
– Grand Indonesia: 26-27 June 2015
– Plaza Indonesia: 12-13 June 2015
– Senayan City: 3-5 July 2015

South Jakarta Malls :

– Ciputra World Lotte Shopping Avenue: 20-21 June 2015
– Gandaria City: 27 June 2015
– Kalibata City Square: 27 June 2015
– Kota Kasablanka: 4 July 2015
– Lippo Mall Kemang: 27 June dan 4 July 2015
– Pejaten Village: 27 June 2015
– Plaza Blok M: 27 June 2015
– The Plaza Semanggi: 10-11 July 2015

West Jakarta Malls :
– Central Park: 3-5 July 2015

East Jakarta Malls :
– Mal Taman Palem: 26-27 June 2015
– Arion Mall: 19-20 June dan 26-27 June 2015
– Cibubur Junction: 20-21 June 2015

North Jakarta Malls :
– Emporium Pluit Mall: 27-28 June 2015
– Mal Kelapa Gading: 20 dan 27 June 2015
– Baywalk Mall: 20-21 June 2015

There are many other malls that participate in the festival and maybe you will find one near where you stay while in Jakarta, so don’t miss the opportunity to visit the place.

There are also some Jakarta malls which open a midnight sale event, and offer a lot of special discounts and gifts for certain products. Shopping at midnight doesn’t mean that you have to bring a flashlight and choose items you want to buy in the dark, so don’t worry.

Just bring sufficient money, and a list of products that you want to buy. You can also use your credit card off course, but remember, choose carefully and don’t go overboard or you may end up being a shopaholic with and empty wallet and a huge amount of debts. Happy shopping!


Jakarta Great Online Sale

Beside Jakarta Great Sale Festival, there is also an event that you would not want to miss if one of your hobbies is shopping. It is Jakarta Great Online Sale or JGOS. In 2015, the event took place from 22 June until 30 June 2015, which means today is the last day! This event is to promote Jakarta as a shopping destination in South East Asia with a tagline, “Jakarta Smart City, Smart Shopping”.

Since renting a place to sell products quite costly these days, many of the sellers choose to promote their products and make transactions online. This kind of method is called e-commerce. This year, 63 players will participate. They either offer a discount for their products or exchange coupons.

What Kind of Product Do Jakarta Great Online Sale (JGOS) Sell?

There are a lot of products, including:

  1. Stores that offer fashion products including Zalora and Lazada.
  2. Stores that offer electronic products including Bhinneka and Erafone.
  3. Yes, since technology is improved a lot these days, we can even order transportation service via online. This is showed by one of the participant, which is Gojek, a new way to order “ojek” (public transportation with a motorbike).

There are also other stores which offer many more products such as voucher, books, food and house appliances.

If you don’t want to make such a fuss of going mall to mall to buy products that you need, this will be perfect for you. You don’t have to queue for a long time, or stuck in the traffic jam to go to the mall.

So what are you waiting for? Quickly make your order on Jakarta Great Online Sale event before midnight. If you have a smartphone, it is even better. Just swipe your phone and your order will be delivered right in front of your door. Just like magic!

Happy Birthday Jakarta! #JKT488

June is Jakarta Festive Month! Today, June 22th is Jakarta’s birthday, so there will be a lot of festivals that would be held in Jakarta around that time. So, you will have an opportunity to come to one or two festivals while you are in here. What kind of festivals are there?

1. Jakarta Fair Kemayoran (JFK)

This is an event to celebrate Jakarta’s birthday. It is usually held for a full month from June to July and took place in Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran (JIExpo). There will be many vendors from all over Indonesia who sell various kinds of products and you can watch music shows at night in here.

2. Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival

It is held around May and June. This festival includes fashion festival, food festival and night carnival. In year 2015, it is open from May 13th until June 7th. This year, the event took place in Summarecon Kelapa Gading, but for every other year, the location might changes.

jakarta shopping tour

 3. Jakarta Great Sale Festival (FJGS)

If you like shopping in Jakarta, then this festival will be perfect for you. You can shop around malls in Jakarta and get a discount up to 70{9e84ad3adf7f6649419c3d34c511cc75d18ba3101b1ac61299241cdd2f2cd7ab}. This usually held around June until July. Here are the Jakarta Great Sale schedule in each mall in Jakarta whose participate this year :

Central Jakarta Malls :
– Grand Indonesia: 26-27 June 2015
– Plaza Indonesia: 12-13 June 2015
– Senayan City: 3-5 July 2015

South Jakarta Malls :

– Ciputra World Lotte Shopping Avenue: 20-21 June 2015
– Gandaria City: 27 June 2015
– Kalibata City Square: 27 June 2015
– Kota Kasablanka: 4 July 2015
– Lippo Mall Kemang: 27 June dan 4 July 2015
– Pejaten Village: 27 June 2015
– Plaza Blok M: 27 June 2015
– The Plaza Semanggi: 10-11 July 2015

West Jakarta Malls :
– Central Park: 3-5 July 2015

East Jakarta Malls :
– Mal Taman Palem: 26-27 June 2015
– Arion Mall: 19-20 June dan 26-27 June 2015
– Cibubur Junction: 20-21 June 2015

North Jakarta Malls :
– Emporium Pluit Mall: 27-28 June 2015
– Mal Kelapa Gading: 20 dan 27 June 2015
– Baywalk Mall: 20-21 June 2015

4. Jakarnaval

This is a cultural parade that held in National Monuments or Monas. This is presented by DKI Jakarta’s government to commemorate the birth of Jakarta City. It usually features an art parade and parade floats.

Those festivals are held annually. So you don’t have to worry if you miss one of them. You can still join the festivals in the following year. There are also the other small festivals in each part of Jakarta. If you want to know more about it, you can visit DKI Jakarta’s government website. But for now, you already know when the best time to visit Jakarta if you like a lively atmosphere. Yep, June it is!

Should I Buy Indonesia SIM Card?

Yes, you should buy an Indonesia SIM Card if you need to contact someone or make an internet connection through your phone when travel to Jakarta. Why is it important to buy a SIM card? Sometimes people need to contact you or otherwise, you need to contact your family, but you can not use your original SIM card in Jakarta, Indonesia, then the best option is to buy a new one to use temporarily. Find out more reason here.

1. SIM Cards In Jakarta Are Cheap

Since the competition between providers is really strong, they try to offer services with reasonable price to win over new consumers. So, you don’t have to worry about the prices. It is quite affordable even for a local citizen, except if you want to buy a SIM card with specially arranged numbers or known as “nomor cantik”. For a normal number, you can get it for IDR 20k or IDR 30k for one SIM card.

city tour jakarta

2. An Easy Way To Contact Someone

Maybe you could contact your original SIM card provider to change the setting to make it available to use when you go to Jakarta. But just in case the service is unavailable, it will be more convenient for you buy a new SIM card instead in Jakarta for a temporary use.

3. Always Connect To The Internet

You should buy a new SIM Card if you always want to be able to contact someone, or you need to connect to the internet all the time. Of course there are some places that provide WiFi in Jakarta, but you cannot always find them. Maybe you can find them in restaurants, hotels, and malls. But if you are eating at a “warteg”, just don’t expect to find it. Besides, sometimes connecting to a WiFi will only get you a slow connection because many people connect to it as well.

There are many providers in Jakarta, but the recommended ones are Telkomsel, Indosat, or XL because they are big players and already covered many areas beside other providers. You can buy SIM cards in public places like malls, stations or cellphone stores near residential areas. It is quite easy to find actually.

So, have you decided what to buy? Then go straight to the store. Buy that SIM Card, use it in your phone,  and don’t forget to add Jakarta Walking Tour number in your contact list 😉