An Iconic Sight of the Historical Neo-Gothic Zebaoth Church Amidst the Nature of Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City

A Brief History of Zebaoth Church That as an Iconic Church That is Worth to See During Bogor Walking Tour in Bogor City

To this present day, the Zebaoth Church is the only church that is adjacent to the Bogor Botanical Gardens and the Bogor Palace area. The church was built since the Dutch colonial era and the first milestone of the construction was placed by the Dutch East Indies governor general in on January 30th, 1920. The church name was originally “Köningin Wilhelmina Kerk”.

The Zebaoth Church as A Historical Place to Visit in Bogor City Along with Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

Since it stands October 31st, 1948, the church was called as GPIB Bogor and “Chicken Church” by locals at it has a windvane in a shape of chicken on its rooftop. Since October 3rd, 1995, the church changed its name to Jemaat GPIB Zebaoth Bogor. “Zebaoth” came from Hebrew that literally means a soldier that is ready to carry out God’s commands.

The Zebaoth Church in Present Day as a Historical Place of Worship to See in Bogor Area as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour

The Zebaoth Church has been a place to worship by Indonesian Protestants in the Bogor city or its areas nearby, and still functioning as a normal Protestant church until the present day. The church has a routine worship session every week and it can be found on their website at For its historical value, the church became an official cultural heritage in the year 2007.

Explore Other Cultural Heritage and Other Tourist Attraction in Bogor City by Joining Bogor Walking Tour

There are other things to see beside historical buildings like churches, museums, palaces, and more in Bogor City. You can also explore nature and exotic plants in thematic parks of Bogor Botanical Gardens or more. To find out for yourself, come to Bogor City and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore the beauty of the city together. See you around!

Try Your Luck for Long Lasting Romance by Visiting the Couple Tree Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Bogor Botanical Gardens as a Place That is Full of Miracles and Myths as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour

As the name suggests, the Bogor Botanical Gardens is a place where various species of plants all over Indonesia and the world are preserved. It is also a place with a long way of history and unique stories. For example, the bridge that is believed to cause separation between breakups. Aside from that, on the contrary, there are a place that is believed that when a couple visit, their relationship will last long, that is the Couple Tree or called “Pohon Jodoh” in Indonesia.

The Iconic Couple Tree That Stands Out Amidst the Plants and Bushes Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

The so-called Couple Tree are a Meranti Tree that is planted next to a Banyan Tree. Due to their similar stature and they are side by side, they are called the Couple Tree by the community around Bogor City. Both became rare species of trees. There is a widespread myth that if a couple holding hands while hugging the tree, their relationship will last long. Thus, the trees became the romantic icon of the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

Explore and Discover More Magical Stories by Strolling Around Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

The Bogor Botanical Gardens are full of unique and enchanting stories. While you stroll around, you can view various and colorful collections of plants, enjoy the fresh air and relax to wind up from your tiring days. It is open from morning to afternoon, so the best time to visit is in the morning or afternoon when the sunlight is not as strong.

Learn and Enjoy Other Attractions in the Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour Aside from the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Aside from the beautiful nature of Bogor Botanical Gardens, there is more to see in Bogor City. The people, city, cuisine, and more. To find out, come to Bogor and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore the beauty of the city together. See you around!

Discover the Myths of an Iconic Red Bridge on Bogor Walking Tour Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

A Brief Introduction of Mystical Belief That Surrounds the Life of Indonesians Including the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Since years ago, mystical stories have been a fascinating and interesting story for Indonesian. Learning from the country’s history, most historical places around Indonesia, temples or “candi” for examples, has some mystical stories as their backgrounds. Some of the temples are even believed to have been built with the supernatural power of people from ancient eras. That is probably one of the reasons people in the modern era still belief in myths and mystical stories. Even with the Bogor Botanical Gardens, it is believed that is a mystical story of a bridge inside the complex.

A Red Iconic Bridge That Has a Mystical Vibe to See Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

If you happen to encounter a red bridge in the upper part of the Bogor Botanical Gardens, you might see the legendary bridge, which is also known as “Jembatan Gantung Hulu”, that literally means a bridge located upstream of the river. The myth surrounding the bridge is if you stand on the bridge with your partner, you might break up or go your separate ways. Some people said that in the colonial era, there is a Dutch woman that falls in love with indigenous man, but the woman’s family was against it, so she killed herself and her lover followed suit.

Things You Can Do Around the Legendary Bridge That is Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens Complex

Back then, you could cross the bridge and take pictures of the iconic red bridge. However, due to its old age, it is now forbidden to cross the bridge for safety reasons. You can only take pictures and look at it from afar. It is relatively easy to find as the red color of the bridge will stand out amidst the green color of plants in the botanical gardens.

Stroll Around More About the City’s History, Culture, and Cuisine Through Bogor Walking Tour

To find and discover more about the story surrounding Bogor Botanical Gardens and even the city itself, come to Bogor and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will take a stroll and learn about history, culture, cuisine, and more. See you around!

Discover The Tallest Tree in the Southeast Asia Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens While Strolling Around on Bogor Walking Tour

Collections of Trees That You Can Find While You Take a Walk Around the Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City

As botanical gardens, surely you can find various kinds of trees that come from different regions around the world, mainly Asia. What makes the complex noticeable is mostly the existence of big plants and trees. There are even a few kinds of “giants”, such as giant lotus, giant orchid, giant bamboo, giant fern, and giant tree.

Find the Tallest Tree Amongst Other Plants Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens While Strolling Around on Bogor Walking Tour

As you are circling around inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens on foot, you might find a giant tree that stands out amongst other plants. It is called “Pohon Raja”, or literally means King Tree in English. The latin name is Koompassia excelsa, from the family of Leguminosae. It is often found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. It is also known as Tualang or Mandaris and can grow to 80 meters at most.

Explore The Oldest Trees Along the Way with The Tallest Tree Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens Complex

Beside the tallest tree, you might also encounter a few oldest trees in the Bogor Botanical Gardens area such as Teak Wood Tree, Ironwood Tree, and Bunya-bunya Tree. The King Tree is also one of the oldest trees in Bogor Botanical Gardens that has been planted in the year 1914.

Take A Closer Look of Bogor City by Joining Bogor Walking Tour to Experience and Find Out More Than the Nature of Bogor Botanical Gardens

If you want to see more of Bogor City outside the Bogor Botanical Gardens, join our Bogor Walking Tour. We can find out more about the history, culture, and cuisine of the city together. Wear your comfortable shoes and clothes, and we will be ready to go. See you around!

A Dutch Ancient Cemetery as Unusual but Unique Sight to See Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of the Ancient Cemetery Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens Area

If you are circling around the Bogor Botanical Gardens as a part of Bogor Walking Tour, you might encounter an unusual sight that is an ancient cemetery. You might wonder who’s the cemetery belongs to. It is actually an ancient Dutch cemetery complex that consists of the graves of figures that contributes to the development of Bogor Botanical Gardens.

Achieve Some Knowledge About People Behind the Development of Bogor Botanical Gardens with Visiting the Dutch Ancient Cemetery Complex

There are 42 tombs inside the cemetery complex, 38 of them can be identified, while the rest two have remained unknown. A few of the figures that contribute to the Bogor Botanical Gardens are D.J. de ee Erens, a governor general from 1836 – 1840, Mr. Ary Prins, a legal expert, two biologists, Heinrich Kuhl dan J.C. Van Hasselt, and a Dutch botanist that became an Indonesian citizen, Prof. Dr. A.J.G.H. Kostermans.

See Some Unique Shapes of Tombstones Inside the Dutch Ancient Cemetery Complex Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens Area

One of the unique things that you can see in the cemetery complex is how the tombstone shapes are different. Some have a standard shape of tombstone, while the other tombstone has horizontal, vertical, monument like, and even like a small house. The heights also varied from 20 centimeters to three meters tall.

Explore More Things to See in Bogor City Aside from Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

There are more things to see in Bogor city aside from the Bogor Botanical Gardens. To find out, come to the city and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore and find what the city has to offer together. See you around!

View and Learn Collections of Animals in the Museum of Zoology Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens During Walking Tour in Bogor

Find Out More About the Museum of Zoology That is Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens Complex

The Bogor Botanical Gardens is known for its abundant collections of plants from all over Indonesia and even the world. Aside from plants you can also learn about animals too as it also has a museum of animal collection, which is the Museum of Zoology. It was started as a laboratory to collect and research insects that live by agricultural crops. As time goes by, the research aspect has widened to other species of animals like fish, mollusk, amphibia, reptile, bird, and mammals.

What Kinds of Animal Species That You Can See Inside the Collections of Museum of Zoology of Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City

As it is said in the Bogor Botanical Gardens official website, in the start of 2018 only, there are 2.768.044 specimen in the museum. Currently, there are 122 display that showcase 954 species of animals in Indonesia. Some of them are 211 kinds of bird, 88 kinds of mammal, 92 kinds of reptile and amphibia, 55 kinds of fish, 243 kinds of mollusk, 3 kinds of crustacea, and 262 kinds of insect. The museum even has a skeleton of the biggest whale in the world, the blue whale, as the museum’s icon. The wide collection of animals has made the museum becoming the biggest animal museum in southeast Asia.

The Best Time to Stroll Around in Walking Tour Bogor and Visit the Museum of Zoology Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

The opening and closing time are the same as the Bogor Botanical Gardens itself, which are opens every 8 AM on weekdays and 7 AM on weekends and national holidays and close every 4 PM in the afternoon. However, there is a small difference. Different with other thematic gardens that is not require an extra ticket fee, to go inside the museum, you will need to pay for another entrance ticket. It cost at least IDR 15.000 to 25.000 per pax.

Explore More Things Beside the Nature of Bogor Botanical Gardens by Joining Walking Tour in Bogor City

Find more things to explore in Bogor City other than the beautiful nature of Bogor Botanical Gardens. Come to Bogor, join our Walking Tour Bogor and we will explore the beauty of the city together. See you around!

Enjoy A Walking Tour in Bogor While Widening Your Knowledge About Orchid Collections in the Orchid House Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

A Brief Introduction Orchid House That Conserves a Wide Collection of Orchids in Bogor Botanical Gardens

The Orchid House or also called “Griya Anggrek” in Indonesian, is one of the iconic spots that you can visit inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City. It is a glass house that contains collections of orchids from various area of Indonesia and around the world. This glass house is consisting of two wings and one central information hall.

Orchid Collections That You Can See Inside the Orchid House as You Stroll Around the Bogor Botanical Gardens

A few collections of orchid that you can see in the right wing is including epiphyte orchids, or any plants that grow on another plants or objects only for physical supports. A few of them are from the genus of DendrobiumBulbophyllum, and Coelogyne. There are also terrestrial orchid plants like SpathoglottisCalanthe, dan Paphiopedilum. You can also see some special orchid collections of Soedjana Kassan, like the biggest orchid in the world and could only be found in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.

What Can You Do Inside the Orchid House and What is The Best Time to Stroll Around for Bogor Walking Tour in Bogor Botanical Gardens

There is no extra entrance fee to visit the Orchid House if you are already paid the entrance fee for the Bogor Botanical Gardens. It costs around USD 1 on weekdays and USD 1.5 on weekends. The gardens and the orchid house open every 8 AM on weekdays, 7 AM on weekends, and will be closed on 4 PM every day. You can widen your knowledge by learning about the collection inside the orchid house and you can take beautiful pictures of the collections that are rich in colours.

Explore and Find Other Interesting Things as We Stroll Around the Bogor City in Walking Tour Bogor

There are a few of other things that you can enjoy aside from visiting the Bogor Botanical Gardens. There are other attractions of the city like the history, culture, and cuisine. To find out more, come to Bogor and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore and enjoy the beauty of city together. See you around!

Get To Know Indonesian Herbs by Visiting the Medicinal Thematic Garden of Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

A Brief Introduction of Medicinal Thematic Gardens That You Can Visit Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City

Until this present day, there are still many Indonesians who rely heavily on traditional medicine to cure illness, therefore, it is not uncommon to find herbs or medicinal plants around the country. While some people plant them in their own yard or garden, these medicinal plants also can be seen inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

An Abundant Collection of Medicinal Plants That You Can View in Bogor Botanical Thematic Gardens

As it is stated on their website, the medicinal plants are conserved in two sections. In one section, it has 175 species, 144 genus, and 55 varieties of medicinal plants. Meanwhile, in the second section, it has 228 species, 172 genus, and 65 varieties of medicinal plants. Visitors can recognize and learn about the medicinal plants by reading the information board that is placed in front of the plants.

Stroll Around to Enjoy the View of the Medicinal Thematic Garden as Part of Walking Tour Bogor Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

You can walk around leisurely while breathing the fresh air inside the Medicinal Thematic Garden aside from learning about the variety of plants. You can just look around, take pictures, exercise, or just sitting around to enjoy nature.

Find More Things to Do and See in Bogor City Other Than Visiting Bogor Botanical Gardens by Joining Bogor Walking Tour

To find out more to explore around Bogor City, join our Bogor Walking Tour package, and we can learn about the city’s history, find new things to try, or tasting some local delicacies together. Wear your comfortable clothes and walking shoes, and we will be ready to depart. See you around!

Keep Strolling Around and Don’t Get “Bamboozled” During Walking Tour Inside the Bamboo Thematic Garden in Bogor Botanical Garden

A Brief Introduction of Bamboo Thematic Garden That You Can Visit Inside the Bogor Botanical Garden

As its name suggests, the Bamboo Thematic Garden houses a collection of bamboo trees from around the world, especially Asia. It said that the giant bamboos there were planted in the garden is originally from Myanmar since the year of 1928 and the bamboos can grow as high as 30 meters. As time goes by, there are other variety of bamboo that is transported from other parts of Indonesia and the world, such as East Asia and other Southeast Asian countries.

What Can You Learn Inside the Bamboo Thematic Garden as A Part of Walking Tour in Bogor Botanical Garden Area

There are a few activities that you can do while you are inside the thematic garden, for example, enjoying the view of bamboo collections, learning about bamboo functions in the daily life of humans, the role of bamboo in the ecosystems, and more.  You can also just stroll around, breathing the fresh air, reading books in some corner, or riding the scooter or bicycle.

What Do You Need to Prepare Before Joining a Walking Tour in Bogor and Visit the Bogor Botanical Garden

As Indonesia is a tropical country, you need to put extra care for your skin if you are sensitive to heat or sunlight, so applying sunscreen might help. To walk comfortably, wear comfortable clothes and as Bogor is known as a city that often rains, prepare a raincoat or umbrella just in case it rains.

Find More Interesting Things to Explore in Bogor Aside from Bogor Botanical Garden with Walking Tour Bogor

If you want to explore new and exciting things other than the nature of Bogor Botanical Garden, start to look around the city for other views, cultures, and delicacies. So, join our Walking Tour Bogor and we can stroll around to look at the city closer together. See you around!

Enjoy The Refreshing Air in the Aquatic Gardens Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens as A Part of Bogor Walking Tour in Bogor City

A Brief Introduction of Aquatic Garden That You Can Explore Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Amongst the thematic gardens that you can visit inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens, the Aquatic Garden is one of them. The Aquatic Garden houses a wide variety of plants that grow well in water, which are submerged aquatic vegetations, free floating plants, free submerged plants, mixed aquatic plants, and waterside plants.

Collections to See in the Aquatic Garden Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens as a Part of Walking Tour Bogor

Besides a wide variety of aquatic plants, you can also see birds that are preserved here, mainly fish-eating birds that have an important role in maintaining fish populations and preventing the scarcity of fish. If you haven’t got the chance to see the collection firsthand, you can browse the pictures on the Bogor Botanical Gardens website. However, it would be better to visit the site directly and see the collections closer.

What Can You Do Inside the Aquatic Gardens Beside Strolling Around on Walking Tour Bogor in Bogor Botanical Gardens

There are a few activities that you can do inside the aquatic gardens, such as widening your knowledge about aquatic plants and the ecosystem, picnicking, taking pictures, or just sitting around to enjoy the view while keeping the environment clean.

Find More Things to Explore Outside the Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City with Bogor Walking Tour

There are other interesting places to visit besides exploring the Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor City. We can explore nature, learn about the culture and try delicacies while strolling around together in the city. See you around!