Discover the Myths of an Iconic Red Bridge on Bogor Walking Tour Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens

A Brief Introduction of Mystical Belief That Surrounds the Life of Indonesians Including the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Since years ago, mystical stories have been a fascinating and interesting story for Indonesian. Learning from the country’s history, most historical places around Indonesia, temples or “candi” for examples, has some mystical stories as their backgrounds. Some of the temples are even believed to have been built with the supernatural power of people from ancient eras. That is probably one of the reasons people in the modern era still belief in myths and mystical stories. Even with the Bogor Botanical Gardens, it is believed that is a mystical story of a bridge inside the complex.

A Red Iconic Bridge That Has a Mystical Vibe to See Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens on Bogor Walking Tour

If you happen to encounter a red bridge in the upper part of the Bogor Botanical Gardens, you might see the legendary bridge, which is also known as “Jembatan Gantung Hulu”, that literally means a bridge located upstream of the river. The myth surrounding the bridge is if you stand on the bridge with your partner, you might break up or go your separate ways. Some people said that in the colonial era, there is a Dutch woman that falls in love with indigenous man, but the woman’s family was against it, so she killed herself and her lover followed suit.

Things You Can Do Around the Legendary Bridge That is Inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens Complex

Back then, you could cross the bridge and take pictures of the iconic red bridge. However, due to its old age, it is now forbidden to cross the bridge for safety reasons. You can only take pictures and look at it from afar. It is relatively easy to find as the red color of the bridge will stand out amidst the green color of plants in the botanical gardens.

Stroll Around More About the City’s History, Culture, and Cuisine Through Bogor Walking Tour

To find and discover more about the story surrounding Bogor Botanical Gardens and even the city itself, come to Bogor and join our Bogor Walking Tour. We will take a stroll and learn about history, culture, cuisine, and more. See you around!