See An Iconic Sight of Presidential Palace That Surrounds by the Bogor Botanical Garden as a Part of Bogor Walking Tour in Bogor City

A Brief History of Presidential Palace That Once a Part the Bogor Botanical Gardens

The Bogor Presidential Palace is one of the historical buildings that was built in the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies in the 18th Century. At the year of 1744, Governor General Gustaaf Willem Baron Van Imhoff was the person behind the start of the Presidential Palace building. It was originally meant for a personal vacation home for the Dutch East Indies officials. As time goes by, it has been resided by 38 Dutch governors general and one British governor general. It said that the Bogor Botanical Gardens was a part of the palace complex, but later separated due to different functions. After the Indonesian independence, it serves as a resident for the nation’s president to the present day.

What to See Around the Bogor Presidential Palace That Surrounds by Bogor Botanical Gardens

The Bogor Presidential Palace consist of a few different parts to serve different functions. For example, a main part where official state events are held, the left wing to host foreign visitor, the right wing for foreign head of states to stay, and there are also rooms for ceremonies, meetings, and a library. It said that the palace can be visited by regular citizens, however, the visitor will need to submit a request to visit the place that includes dates, our, and the number of persons prior the visit to the head of presidential household. Inside the area, you can take pictures, feeding the chitals or spotted deer in the park.

Visiting A Museum to Gain Knowledge About the Presidential Palace and the Bogor Botanical Gardens That Surrounds it

There is a museum that you can visit while you are in the Presidential Palace complex. It is called Balai Kirti Museum. You will also need a permit to visit the museum, so you will need to submit your request too prior to visiting the museum. There is a national gallery, presidential gallery, and meeting rooms and an open park with various tropical plants.

Explore Other Interesting Things to Find Aside the Bogor Botanical Gardens to During Your Walking Tour in Bogor City

Aside from the Bogor Botanical Gardens, there are many other things to explore in Bogor City. If you are a newcomer, you can join us on the Bogor Walking Tour. We will explore, learn, and enjoy the beauty of the city together. See you around!