Tropical Flowers to Find on Local Markets in Jakarta

Flowers to See While Strolling Around on Walking Tour in Jakarta

There are so many places to visit during your visit to Jakarta. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the place that you can explore. One of them is the local market that sells a wide variety of products. Inside the local market, you can find fresh products like fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, meat and even flowers.

Variety of Flowers to Find inside the Local Markets in Jakarta

Since Indonesia is a tropical country, so you might find variety of tropical flowers in Jakarta. However, there are also some flowers that are distributed to the market from the higher grounds like the western part of Java. Some of that can be easily found are roses, sunflowers, chrysanthemum, daisy, jasmine, tuberose, orchid, frangipani, and many others.

Where to Find Fresh Flower During Your Tour in Jakarta

While mostly you can find fresh flowers in the local market at each area in Jakarta, there are some local markets that are known to be a few of the biggest flower markets in Jakarta, one of them is Pasar Rawa Belong that is in the west part of Jakarta. The market is open for 24 hours and had almost every variety of flowers. So, it is a go-to for people who look for flowers for urgent events and odd hours.

Another option for market flower is in Cikini area, at Central Jakarta, and you can also find some sellers in Jatinegara local market in East Jakarta. And another different place to find flower vendors is near or inside graveyard complexes. As Indonesian has a custom to bring flowers while visiting a graveyard or doing rituals and ceremonies, to see flower vendors lining up in front part of a graveyard complex became a common sight.

Find More in Local Markets Tour with Jakarta Walking Tour

To see more of you can find while strolling inside a local market, come visit Jakarta and join us on Jakarta Walking Tour. We will take you to find interesting things and experience how to shop like locals in Local Markets Tour in Jakarta. See you around!